“Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: ‘The LORD’s right hand has done mighty things!'” – Psalm 118:15
1. I am not in control.
If I were to itemize all the technological problems I encountered on my fast, you wouldn’t believe it! The amount of daily setbacks was almost comical. From losing my Internet connection for two days to text alignment/formatting issues in the newsletter, I encountered one problem after another. At one point, I literally lifted up my hands and declared, “God, I have no control over this. It’s out of my hands! I need you to help me!” That was just the cry the Lord was waiting to hear. Each time I confessed my inability to correct a situation, God stepped in and provided what was needed.
2. God answers prayer in His way and in His timing.I have a family member who has been struggling in her relationship with the Lord for some time. Even though I’ve interceded for her for years, I sensed the Lord wanted me to focus on her needs during my fast. As I prayed daily for her, my faith increased. I knew God was going to bring her back around, I just didn’t know when. This past week, God did it, and in a very big way! I praise Him for His faithfulness. He showed me through this experience that I must never give up in praying. Even when it seems as if nothing is happening, God is always at work. That’s where the trust comes in, walking by faith not by sight.3. God cares about the details.
Although I could provide many examples of how God is a God of the details, I want so share one in particular. Throughout the fast, I gave away prizes to my newsletter subscribers, just as a fun reward for those who committed to the January Daniel Fast. Shortly after announcing the winners of the Week 3 prize giveaway, I received the following email:
I was so thrilled to find that I had won a copy of The Color of Rain. I wanted this book because the story so closely mirrors my life and where I have walked. I lost a precious sweet husband nine years ago on January 27th (today happens to be the anniversary of his death). I know that this was a gift from the Lord, and when I saw the story on this book, I wanted to read it. God has opened that door through your ministry.
When I read this message, my heart was full of awe and wonder of the One who is mighty and all-powerful, yet tender and gentle. He cares about the details of our lives, and this truth is evident in the above testimony. Did you catch the part about how this sweet lady won the book on the ninth anniversary of her husband’s death? Yes, we serve El Roi, the God who sees!
If you’re considering a Daniel Fast, let me encourage you to do it. You’ll be amazed at how God works in your life as you humble yourself before Him. Also, be sure to get a copy of my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. It will serve as your faithful companion on your journey.
Praise the Lord for the great things He has done already this year! Praise Him for what’s to come!
Daniel Fast Testimonies
I never tire of hearing stories about the amazing things God has done through the Daniel Fast! Following are just a few of the testimonies I’ve received. If you have a story to share, please email me.
“Kristen Feola’s book, The Ultimate Guide to The Daniel Fast, has played a key role in the progress I have made while being on this fast. The time and passion she put into the book really shows. I could relate to her personal stories as well as the stories written by others when they were on the fast. I am thankful for this book being the perfect guide for me while taking part in the Daniel Fast!” – S. Kahn
“My husband and I thoroughly enjoyed this book, which has now entered a place of honor in my kitchen. We used it as a devotion during the first 40 days of 2013 and found it both uplifting and very practical. I felt like I was walking through the three weeks with a new friend.” – N. Flowers
“This book was very helpful in getting me and my family through the Daniel Fast. I will use it every time I do this fast! I recommend it!” – L. Watson
“When our church went on the Daniel Fast, I bought your book and loved the recipes!” – A. Simmons
“Kristen, I just had to share this with you. I’m on day 8 of the Daniel Fast, and just this morning I was talking with a friend who is going through a very tough family issue. We talked about how God uses trials, difficulties, and challenges for good somehow. When I came home, I read your devotion for day 8, and the words nearly jumped off the page! You quoted Psalm 119:71,”It was good for me to be afflicted so that I might learn your decrees.” That was exactly what my friend and I were talking about! I’m so thankful for the work you have done through your first book!” – K. Erdel
“We’re thrilled that we found your book on Amazon and have been using your recipes and devotional guide since Sunday. My husband and I realized that we have fasted for other people and at times just personally for individual issues, but this is our first “together” fast. We’re excited to see what God will do in our lives. Thank you so much for your dedication to writing this book.” – A. Rekow
Guest Post: Elena Wilkins, Living a Fasted Lifestyle
Elena and I are kindred spirits, so to speak. Although I haven’t yet met her face-to-face, I feel as if I’ve known Elena for years. She came across my blog last year when she was doing research online about the Daniel Fast. She found me, and I found a new friend.
Many people who participate in a Daniel Fast want to continue eating this way even after the fast is completed because they felt so great consuming nutritious foods. Perhaps you feel the same way but aren’t sure if that type of discipline is even realistic. Elena’s story will challenge you…or at least give you something to consider. You will be blessed as you read about how God answered prayer and brought physical healing to their lives as a result of dietary modifications.
Thanks, Elena, for sharing with us.
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Elena Wilkins |
Guest Post: Elena Wilkins
“Living a Fasted Lifestyle”
Is it possible to live a fasted lifestyle? Much like the Daniel Fast, but permanently? Let me tell you why I think it can be done.
Soon after my husband and I married, I noticed he was experiencing chest pains on a regular basis. There were times his chest pains were so severe I was scared he might have a heart attack or a stroke.
We both believe in the God of miracles, the One who is capable of healing any and all afflictions. We prayed and waited for my husband’s healing. I watched what we ate and felt that we were doing well with our diet, making all of our meals at home. Unfortunately, though, the problem persisted.
In 2006 my husband’s doctor, after running a battery of tests on him, told us that they couldn’t find anything wrong except his “slightly” elevated cholesterol level, which was at 220. The doctor said that the only way to take care of the issue was by taking statin drugs (medication).
At about the same time, I also developed health issues. Up until 2003, I had been completely well physically and rarely got sick. However, I began to develop symptoms such as weight gain, skin problems, dry eye syndrome, depression, anterior knee condition, and hormone imbalance. My doctor tried to help by putting me on birth control medication to help with my hormones. It turned out to be one of the worst decisions we could have made, as medication only covered the problem and did not resolve anything. This went on for several years, and I was finally diagnosed with hypothyroidism and told that I would have to be on thyroid medication for the rest of my life to control it.
My husband and I kept believing God for a miracle. We didn’t feel that medication was the answer we were searching for.
However, the miracle did not happen as we expected. There was no spontaneous healing for either of us. We knew that the Lord was not ignoring our prayers (John 14:14). So, instead of becoming upset with God, we asked Him to guide us and give us wisdom.
God was faithful. Out of what seemed like nowhere, we started to meet people who reversed various diseases by changing to an all plant-based diet. I also came across a life-changing book, The China Study, written by T. Colin Campbell. It is filled with scientific research and data that show how an all-plant based diet allows humans to live in optimal health and to reverse and prevent diseases.
We went on a vegan, or plant-based, diet overnight. At first we felt a bit intimidated, but our desire to achieve a healthy life was stronger than our fears (1 John 4:18). We informed my husband’s physician of our decision. Under the doctor’s supervision (and against his wishes), my husband went off all medication. Within three months, his cholesterol dropped to 173, and by the end of the year, it dropped to a perfect 149. The symptoms that plagued him had gradually disappeared, as did my fears of becoming a young widow.
My health began to blossom as well. I quit taking birth control and chose not to go on thyroid medication, believing that God would heal my body through His generously provided gifts of whole foods. In less than 3 years my TSH level went from 5.0 to 1.66.. My cholesterol dropped from 176 to 132. All of the symptoms which accompanied hypothyroid condition slowly vanished. I returned to my former self – full of joy with a thirst for life.
During the process of changing our eating habits and establishing a regular exercise routine, we lost a “few” pounds of unwanted weight: 103 lbs total (48 lbs for me and 55 lbs for my husband).
The question that we get from so many is whether we will ever go off all plant-based diet. Our answer, naturally, is NOT IN ANY FORESEEABLE FUTURE! We believe in God’s providence and guidance and we felt His love and compassion along the way leading us to perfect health. We wouldn’t want to do anything to compromise it.
In the beginning, a plant-based diet requires discipline and a few adjustments to eating behaviors, especially in a fast-paced society, such as the United States. However, in the long run, it helped us to be alert and spiritually open. The more we denied our former fleshly desires, the more we embraced what God had for us. We both believe that a plant-based diet is optimal for human consumption (Genesis 1:29, 2:9a, 3:17-18)*. Whole, unprocessed plants are full of nutrients, vitamins, minerals and enzymes. Such a diet keeps us feeling satiated.
My husband and I continue to live by God’s promises: “I have come that they may have life, and that they may have it more abundantly (John 10:10b)” and “His divine power has given to us all things that pertain to life and godliness (1 Peter 1:3a)” We spread the good news that we have learned to others, using it as a conduit to minister God’s love to all, and have seen many heal from various ailments and diseases as a result.
*I want to make it clear that we do not condemn others for eating a non-plant based diet. We were there once ourselves and have many family members and friends who are carnivores. We do, however, wish that more people incorporated more whole, unprocessed foods into their diet, treating their bodies (temples) with respect, staying away from junk foods altogether and animal products as much as possible.
Elena Wilkins is the author of Eat Healthy! Be Happy! blog, which serves as a source of plant-based recipes, living and fitness. Most of the recipes on her blog, save a few that use sweeteners, are Daniel Fast approved. Elena is also a certified fitness instructor and runs a photography business. She is madly in love with her husband of 8 years. Her blog address is: http://eathealthybehappy.blogspot.com/
How to Enter
1. Visit Elena’s blog. Read through her recent posts, and return to this post to make a comment on something you’ve learned or a recipe you’d like to try.
1. One entry per person.
2. Giveaway ends Friday, February 25, at midnight.
3. You can live in or outside of the United States to be eligible.
4. Winner must provide his or her email address to receive e-book.
Thanks for registering! 🙂