“These instructions are not empty words – they are your life!” – Deuteronomy 32:47, NLT
I gazed longingly out the airplane window. My mission trip to El Salvador had been a wonderful, life-changing experience, but I was ready to be home. I missed my husband and daughters. I wanted the comfort of my own bed and was eager to get back into my daily routine.
As we approached the outskirts of Springfield, a field below caught my attention, not that there was anything special about it, but because I’d seen it before…about 15 minutes earlier. My heart sank. We weren’t preparing for landing. We were going in circles.
The plane continued to hover as the pilot waited for conditions to improve. After nearly an hour, he announced that we might divert to a nearby airport to refuel before attempting another landing. Tears filled my eyes. After traveling for two days, I was physically exhausted and emotionally drained. I couldn’t believe that we had come this far only to be rerouted. My destination was within reach, but I couldn’t get there. Circumstances beyond my control were keeping me from the joy of being with my family again.
I bowed my head and prayed: “God, You’re in charge of the weather. Please clear the skies so we can land.” Shortly after I finished, I heard the pilot’s voice on the intercom. I took a deep breath and waited for the verdict. As soon as he announced his plan, passengers cheered and applauded. A huge wave of relief swept over me, and I said, “Praise the Lord!” The sound of the landing gear being engaged was like sweet music to my ears. Within minutes, I was on the ground. I’d finally made it home.
Every believer in the Lord Jesus Christ should be living an extraordinary life – one that’s full of joy, packed with adventure, and characterized by victory. However, many Christians often get stuck in a holding pattern, much like I was that day on that plane. No matter how hard they try, God still seems far away. A deeper connection with their Creator eludes them. Frustrated, they wonder what they’re missing, and their motivation for spiritual growth wanes. Instead of moving forward in their relationship with the Lord, they end up going in circles, chasing contentment in things that don’t satisfy.
The missing ingredient, in most cases, is the Word of God, or, should I say, the commitment to read it on a regular basis. The pages of Scripture are not just nice stories for our occasional entertainment. As Deuteronomy 32:47 says, “They are your life!”
If you want to grow closer to God this year, decide right now to make his Word a priority. Be in the Word every day. By continually reading and meditating on truth, you will develop a greater understanding of who God is and experience the abundant life He has for you.
Hi Kristen,
I stumbled on your blog a couple of while trying to figure out how to effectively engage in the Daniel Fast for the next 21 Days, I moved to France recently and I have been sensing such spiritual opposition and so this fast is very much needed(because this kind comes out by fasting and prayer) But I just wanted to thank you for being such a blessing and such an inspiration!Even as you continue to refresh others,May God constantly refresh you,Have a brilliant day and God bless you immensely!
Hi! I’m so glad the Lord led you to my website. Thanks for your encouraging comments. You are wise to seek the Lord through prayer and fasting while facing spiritual attack. God will give you strength and wisdom to know how to pray. May the Lord fill you with His power and peace on your fast!
This really blessed me b/c for so long I wanted to be more connected to God like others I saw. I wanted the happiness I saw in them. I made a commitment that 2014 I would do our church fast so God could bless me spirtually and so much more. Today is Day 12 of the year and he has blessed me in ways to show he never left me and was always here. Today is Day. 2 of our corporate fast and I can’t explain how great I feel this far. Its like I already see God finishing my year off Great. I am so ready for this year of WOW that God is about to give me.
Praise God! Thanks so much for your email. God certainly does have great things in store for you this year. He will not disappoint you! He promises to draw near to us when we draw near to Him. So, you can expect Him to give you that year of WOW!
This story is very encouraging. I do have a question about the Daniel Fast. I am going to begin it next week. I’m a nursing mom so I have to be careful what foods I restrict. Is it ok for me to still follow this plan exactly without it effecting my milk supply?
The Daniel Fast way of eating is extremely healthy and provides a wide range of nutrients for you AND your baby. So, yes, you can follow the plan without fear that you’re depriving your baby of important vitamins and minerals. Some nursing moms may choose to modify the fast to boost the protein; however, it’s not necessary because you will take in adequate protein on the fast. Be sure to keep drinking plenty of water, though. It’s important for anyone on the Daniel Fast but especially if you’re nursing. May God pour out His richest blessings on your life as you seek Him!
I’ve just started the fast yesterday and have some questions . Can anyone help? Two questions: first, where is our protein coming from if we’re not eating any fish, poultry or egg whites? Secondly, about portions….for instance the salad makes 6 servings but it says “serving size” one cup. Does that mean one cup is what we are to eat? Thank you!
I’m glad to hear you are on the Daniel Fast journey! I can certainly help with your questions. 1) The Daniel Fast allows for a variety of protein sources through nuts, seeds, quinoa, beans/legumes (such as lentils), and vegetables. The amount of protein may not be as high as you’re used to having, but it will be sufficient. Some people choose to have tofu to increase their protein content, so that’s another idea. 2) As far as portion sizes, each person will be different in the amount of food they consume in a day. For example, someone who is 200 pounds will probably allow himself or herself more food on the Daniel Fast than a 125-pound person. However, the serving sizes are given to help you determine about how much you should have for your portion. I hope this helps. Please feel free to contact me with additional questions. May the Lord bless you richly as you hunger for Him!
Great story! Encourages me today.
Thank you, Lori! Your comment encouraged me!