Do you know the Lord?
I’m not asking, “Do you go to church?” Or, “Do you believe in God?” Or even, “Have you been saved?” What I mean is, “Do you know the Lord personally?” Are you familiar with His character – his love, his mercy, and his grace?
The apostle Paul certainly was, and yet his greatest passion in life was to grow in his knowledge of the Lord and His ways. Paul said, “I want to know Christ and experience the mighty power that raised him from the dead” (Philippians 3:10 NLT).
Is that your desire as well? It definitely is mine. That’s why every January I begin the New Year with prayer and fasting.
Will you join me next month? Will you partner with thousands of believers around the world by participating in the Daniel Fast January 5-25, 2014? If so, I challenge you to make two commitments:
1) Sign up for the “Press On” January 2014 Online Daniel Fast through my website. You’ll receive a daily email from me, which will include recipe ideas and fasting tips. Registration for the fast has ended.
2) Invite people to participate. Post about the Daniel Fast on Twitter or Facebook. Share the “Press On” promotional video. If you have a blog, write about the fast. Get other people in your life excited about seeking God!
2014 is going to be a spectacular year. God offers a multitude of blessings to those who hunger and thirst for righteousness. Don’t stay where you are with Jesus. Press on to know Him!
(Be sure to get your copy of The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast to help you on your journey!)
Just completed the fast that ended January 25.
Will you be starting another one? I love the daily emails helping us to keep focused.
Carol, I don’t currently have plans to do another one soon. Sometimes I’ll lead an online fast in the 21 days leading up to Easter, but I haven’t decided to do it this year. Thanks for joining the “Press On” fast! The best way to find out about future fasts is to sign up for my monthly newsletter (on my website).
I am having the daily email delivered to my inbox. I like to review the days, and I am missing Day 5, from January 9th. Is it possible to resend this to me?
Thank you for you commitment to serving God and making this possible for me.
Hi, Adele! So glad you are enjoying the daily emails for the fast. I’ll resend it.
Kristen, I am signed up for the Fast Jan 5-25, I am loving it by the way, but I am not getting your emails anymore. They quit coming on the 11th day. What can I do to get them back. Your emails are a real encouragement. Thank you Jami
Jami, have you checked your spam folder? I’m not sure why you wouldn’t have received them. Sorry about that if somehow your email didn’t get delivered. Let me know if you can’t find them, and I”ll see what I can do.
I have to tell you I have never been a healthy eater and I must say your recipes make eating healthy delicious. I never thought tofu and artichokes could taste so good. I made the flatbread pizza tonight and loved it!
Thanks for the positive report, Jami! I hope you find many more “winners!”
i would have love to be a part of this but i’m behind with the January 5th start I usually start this fast in February should i just do that?
If you’re ready, I say start now! Many people will be joining this second week, so don’t let the fact that you didn’t begin on the 5th stop you. You will get two weeks’ worth of online support which will be a great encouragement and help!
Thanks for your comment and thanks again for the book as it has spiritually motivated me.
Jacqui, thanks so much. I really appreciate your feedback. I thank God for using the book to bless you!
Hi Kristen,
The 1st lady of our church let me use this book as we do the Daniel Fast for the whole month of January. I was inquiring about recipes to carry me throughout the month. She initially brought the book to church for me to see it but when she saw the excitement in my eyes she decided to let me take the book home. What a blessing this book has been to me & I have not even gotten to the recipe section yet. I appreciate the wisdom via scripture references that you share. Your book has deepened my understanding of what the Daniel Fast is all about. Although this is my second year doing the Fast, last year it really felt more like a diet vs a spiritual journey to get closer to the Lord. I am actually focused more on his word this year than I am on what I can & can’t eat. I bought my own copy from B&n & also ordered it for my Nook. May God continue to bless you & your family.
Also wanted to know if you have any advice on altering the Fast for people who suffer from anemia.
Hi, Jacqui! I’m so thankful you’ve been blessed by the book!
I pray it continues to help you draw near to God. As far as modifying the fast for anemia, it all depends upon the individual. From what I understand, there are two types of dietary iron: heme and nonheme. Heme iron comes from animal foods that originally contained hemoglobin, such as red meats, fish, and poultry. Nonheme iron is contained in plant foods, such as lentils, beans, and spinach (all of which are on the Daniel Fast!). Other good sources of nonheme are: tofu, cooked beans, broccoli, and pumpkin seeds. Do you take an iron supplement? That would probably help you. However, since I’m not a physician and don’t have experience with this particular condition, I recommend consulting your doctor with any concerns. Thanks for your comments and question!
Thanks for your comment Kristen. Yes I do take iron supplements but they make me constipated so I usually skip a few days at a time. I do know that iron from animal sources are better absorbed by the body. So although I’m not really a meat person I would eat red meat twice a month paired with foods high in Vitamin C which also helps the body to absorb the iron better. I will consult my Doctor regarding the anemia. Thanks again.
Well, if you’re not already a big red meat eater, then I would think you should be fine on this fast. It’s only for three weeks, plus you can get a good amount of iron from plant-based foods.
Pressing on with the Lord and the fast, but struggling with a sinus virus for the past 5 days. I’m praying the cleansing part of the fast would relieve me of the cold symptoms, is there anything you would suggest to help with the congestion and drainage. Should I have waited to do the fast?
I’m sorry, Brenda. That makes it rough. Drinking lots of water helps, of course. You might also try something like the Neti Pot to alleviate your symptoms. Should you have waited? Not necessarily. Perhaps God is using this trial to test and strengthen your faith. That’s what it means to “press on!” Last year I came down with the flu on day one. I was sick the entire fast. It was one of the hardest times in my life. I felt beaten down physically and spiritually. However, God revealed Himself to me in a powerful way. I’d encourage you to ask Him what He wants you to see through this experience. I know it’s not easy, but don’t give up!
Hi Kristen!
First, let me say thank you for being obedient to God and following His lead to write the Ultimate Daniel Fast book. I purchased it last year. Although I didn’t use it until now, I knew it would come in handy and I’m using it as a tool while on this Daniel Fast.
Second, this is the first time embarking on a 21 day Daniel Fast. I did a 10 Daniel Fast in June of 2012 right before I had back surgery. The Lord showed himself faithful as I knew He would and I’m looking for Him to to do exceeding abundantly above all that I ask or think during this 21 day Daniel Fast!
In closing, I made one of the recipes today from your book (one of several) and it was quite tasty. I made the Potato and Black Eyed Pea soup. I added a little cabbage to it and also some of the vegetable puree as a thickening agent. I made vegetable stock earlier today as well. Again, thank you for writing the book as well as the daily emails to help us on our fast. God Bless!
Shamine (Pronounced Shuhmean)
Shamine, thanks for your message! God’s timing is perfect. He know you would knew the book right now.
I’m thankful it has been a blessing to you. I pray the Lord pours out His favor in your life in BIG WAYS this year as you seek Him! 
PS please send follow ups:-) Thank you for all your hard work…
What do you mean by follow-ups? Just want to make sure I understand.
Our church here on Long Island in New York is doing a 21 day fast. My newly saved friend suggested your site and my husband and I have decided to modify our fast. Originally we were just giving up the sweets and snacking at night. However having gone gluten free for the last 3 months, we are already doing a great deal of what is called for. This is a great site…congrats and God Bless:-)
Hi, Deb! My husband is from Staten Island.
I’m thankful your friend sent you this way. I also am gluten free, so I am with you.
I hope you find many wonderful recipes to enjoy on the fast! May God bless you as you draw near to Him!
I joined in on Monday, not Sunday and Satan hit me hard by lunch! He really doesn’t want me to do this….and I know it. Not sure what God has in store, but it must be huge!!!!!
I’m glad you’re in! What you’re experiencing is what this fast is all about – pressing on with the Lord despite obstacles! You can do it. God will help you!
Sarah, I also started Monday instead of Sunday and it was a super big struggle. I did some extra praying asking the LORD to give me the strength to do this fast. I know he must have something in store for me because today (Tuesday) has gone so much better. Keep going, pray hard, and show that devil that we (you) are leaning on the LORD. I am right there with you!
I actually won a copy of “The Ultimate Daniel Fast” when it was presented by a woman at my church, Amy at a womens’ workshop last year. I wasn’t ready at the time but knew it was something God had intended for me as I had secretly hoped to win the raffle & did! God knows the desires of our hearts and I prayed about it and felt ready. I actually started Jan 1st not knowing that yours was starting the 5th. So day 5, I’m doing pretty well with the exception of difficulty sleeping. Any suggestions?
What a neat story, Melissa! I love that you won a copy of the book. God knew you needed it. His timing is perfect because he has used the past several months to get your heart ready for the fast. I pray He does great things in your life, things you couldn’t even DREAM of, as you humble yourself before Him. As far as the sleeping, are you just waking up frequently? Or, are you cold? What seems to keep you from resting?
Pretty awesome stuff!!! I’ve had difficulty falling & staying asleep since i started the fast… takes at least an hour to fall asleep and then waking several times during the night. Nope, not cold… I’m not quite sure. I pray during that time that God will help me to rest. I didn’t know if you had ever heard of insomnia as a detox symptom or not? I figured it must be and just hope & pray it goes away in a few more days of being on the fast.
Yes, difficulty sleeping is definitely a side effect for some. It is for me. Usually, it gets better after a few days. When I wake up, sometimes I’ll get up and pray. Another idea is to pray Scripture before bedtime to settle your heart and mind. ASK GOD to give you a good night’s rest. I did that very thing last night (because I’ve had trouble sleeping for a few days), and even though I woke up very early, my sleep was interrupted. Here’s a verse to claim at bedtime: “He grants sleep to those he loves (Psalm 127:2).”
I’m very excited about this journey. I have fasted for 3 days with purpose and seen results but I was praying for favor in fasting for a longer period of time when a post on Facebook caught my attention. I ignored it for a few days but something inside of me kept calling me back to that post. I have downloaded the book on my Nook and talked to my pastor who will be in prayer for me also. I can’t wait to see what God will teach me and who I am called to pray for other than my own family. God Bless You!
Luana, I’m glad you finally gave in to the nudging of the Holy Spirit! You will not be fasting alone, but will be joining thousands of other believers who are seeking God. Therefore, you can approach each day of the fast with confidence in God. He will help you! There is much power in prayer, and when many people are praying, there is even MORE POWER! Thank you for your comments. You’re signed up for the online fast, right? We start January 5th. May God bless you in BIG WAYS as you hunger for Him!
My church is starting the 13th of January, I am so thankful I found this book on Amazon for Kindles. As I read through I am so encouraged and looking forward to what God is and will be doing in my life and in the life of those around me. Blessings to you and your family.
Karen, I’m thankful God led you to the book as well! I pray it’s a blessing to you on your Daniel Fast journey. May God bless you in BIG WAYS as you hunger for Him!
Hi Kristen I’m so blessed to find you vía Internet with the purpose of Daniel fast with Devotions, tips, and new recipes. IHappy New Year of Victory!
Good Morning Kristen,
I am so excited about the Daniel Fast, I have been on a different fast/detox for 5 days and stumbled upon your book. I have signed up to start the “Press on” with everyone Jan 5th. In looking over your recipes, which look great to a very picky eater. I noticed you use a lot of canned vegtables. I have read or heard somewhere that canned food has no actual nutritional value. What is your opinion on that? My desire is to get heathier and my walk with the Lord has been incredible since my first fast. And looking forward to having a closer walk with Him.
Thank you for all that you do, and I was extremely touched by Georgia.
Julie, I’m glad you’re beginning the year with prayer and fasting. I pray the book is a blessing to you as you seek the Lord! As far as food quality, fresh is always best. Actually, fresh AND organic is best. However, not everyone has access to organic food and can afford to use it 100% or even part of the time. The next best choice is frozen foods, which retain most of their nutrients. Last is canned foods. I tried to make the recipes healthy and as user friendly as possible. I realize just eating “the Daniel Fast way” is a huge switch for many people who typically follow the standard American diet. Therefore, I didn’t want to overwhelm people by making the recipes too complicated or expensive. Does that make sense? So, if you are able to use fresh, you should.
I hope this answer helps clarify! Also, I appreciate your comments about my Georgia post. She’s a special lady who touches MY life often. Thank you for your encouragement!
Oh thank you so much, I look foward to trying some of these recipes.
Thank you for this site. I agree with “Mary” that it’s amazing how coincidences (God-incidences) spring up all around us. My husband and I pastor a church in Ontario Canada and as he was preaching last Sunday on putting God first in the new year, he was inspired to call our congregation to prayer and fasting just for the brief period of January 1-5. So, we’re two days into a Daniel fast with our family. I appreciate your guidelines, and look forward to sharing your site and book so that we can make this an annual tradition in our family and church.
I’m thankful your church is seeking the Lord through prayer and fasting. My first Daniel Fast experience was when my pastor called for a church-wide fast in 2009. That fast changed my life! Plus, it unified our congregation in a unique and wonderful way. We saw God do miraculous things as a result of our focused time of prayer. In fact, we’re STILL receiving blessings from Him, which I believe are in part connected to that time. It would be a great annual event for your church to do together. May the Lord pour out His favor on your family and church as you humble yourselves before Him! Thanks so much for sharing.
Here we go!!
I have seriously been praying about a diet and trying to figure out where I should go with it. For the past several weeks I have strongly felt that I should do a “no sugar fast” and also focus on a no animal-product diet. I didn’t know anything about this Daniel Fast until a friend posted about it on Facebook. I went to the site and immediately felt that this is what the Lord wants me to do. I love it when I feel/hear the Lord speak! I bought the Kindle version of the book within just a few minutes of seeing the post on Facebook. I am so excited to focus on a closer relationship with the Lord while also focusing on my health. Thank you.
Hi, Heather! I’m so thankful God led you to my website. You were searching for a diet and found so much more! Thank you for buying the book. I pray it’s a blessing to you as you seek the Lord through prayer and fasting. May God pour out His favor on you as you get physically and spiritually strong this year!
i just started the fast today. I signed up for your post for the upcoming corporate fast. Although I will be ending earlier since I started today. Thanks for having great tips readily available.
Great, Kezia! I pray God is especially near to you as you seek Him through prayer and fasting. Thanks for signing up for the emails! I hope you’re encouraged by them!
I had actually planned on starting the Daniel fast today (jan 1st) prior to getting on this website. So far the day is going well and I’m making many of the recipes found in the book. I have never done anything like this before and am a bit intimidated. At church service this last Sunday it was announced that the church is doing a fast starting on the 5th. its interesting how something I planned to do anyway is springing up all around me!
I do have one question for anyone, I could not find nutritional information on the recipes – does anyone know where that information might be? It is important to me because I keep track of everything I eat for medical purposes. thanks very much!
Mary, I’m glad the book is helping you prepare. The first time you do the fast it can be a little intimidating. However, don’t let the enemy steal your excitement and joy! That’s exactly what he wants. Instead, trust in God to help you day by day. After the first week, you’ll have a better feel for the guidelines and prayer time, and you’ll settle into a routine. As far as the nutritional information, you will find a few recipes that do contain it. When I started this site, it was a blog, and I had no idea how it would evolve! I didn’t think of adding the nutritional information until I had 100+ recipes! At that point, I was writing a book and didn’t have time to go back and enter all that data. So, I’m sorry to say, most of the recipes don’t provide that info. I wish they did! There are many online programs that help you calculate recipes, so that is an option for you as well. Thanks for your comment and question!
I look forward to taking this journey with millions this year. I am very excited because a few individuals at my local church will be taking this journey with us. I look forward to God moving in a major way amongst our family of believers.
I love the theme of “press on”!! Really looking forward to participating in this fast
God bless you!! Kristen. I am looking forward to 2014. I want a deeper, closer relationship with my Lord. I decided 4 years ago when I accepted Jesus into my heart, that I wanted Him to help me lose weight, because our bodies are His temple. We should eat as He did! Am not saying this Daniel fast is for weight loss. But with the fasting at the church and the better eating habits, I felt better and I seek Him for guidance. I lost close to 100 Ibs. As I embrace this fast with a sister from church, I press on to seek Him spiritually, I want more of Him and less of me. I want Him to renew me from the inside out. Am expecting many great things from My Father, not just for me but for family. Thank you for this Site, for all the information, recipes, and guidance. May God continue blessing you and yours.
Praise God for the work He has done in your heart, mind, and body! Thank you for sharing your testimony. I’m glad you are seeking more of God this year and coming to Him with expectation! He will not disappoint.
May the Lord pour out His favor on your, Crimilda, as you hunger for Him!
I recently did a 21 day Daniel Fast before Thanksgiving 2013. The results were only of GOD, This time he said Double portion and to start 1/1/2014 lasting 42 days. I announced this at church and now they have decided to what we are calling the Daniel Fast. My church is small so I Brought most of the member sand family groups a copy of your book as a guide. It took a lot of driving to Various Barnes and Nobles to get them before Christmas. But that is seed that will grow and grow. Thank you for being obedient to the Lord and writing this book. I love the devotions and they seemed to be on time with my feelings as I fasted.
Melody, thank you for your commitment to the Lord! I love how you got so many other people involved in prayer and fasting as well. God will certainly bless you for it! Your comment encouraged me, especially the part about driving to the B&N stores to get my book. I’m so thankful God has used it to help so many people draw closer to Him. I appreciate your comments!
Hi,I really feel The Lord leading me in this direction for the new year, have a lot of prayer needs for my family, and get closer to The Lord, so glad I found your book to help me. I do have a couple questions, do you have a list of brands I can get from the store, like are all black beans ok, can raisins be for snack? I’ve been told you eat all you want, just want to make sure I do it right, thanks
I’m thankful you have the book, and I pray it’s a blessing to you! I don’t provide specific brands for foods, in most cases. Any brand of beans should be acceptable, as long as there aren’t any added ingredients, such as sugar or bacon!
Yes, raisins are fine, as well as any other dried fruit (without sugar added). As you read my book, you’ll have a greater understanding of the spirit of the fast, which is to focus on the Lord and NOT on eating as much as you want. The idea is to eat to nourish your body in healthy way as you pray, not to eat to excess. Thanks for your questions, and I pray God blesses you as you hunger for Him!
excited to take this journey with others!
I will be joining you in the 2014 fast. I have had a strong desire to get to know the Lord more and more. I am not satisfied with where I am spiritually. I want to go deeper with the Lord. I have some things I need to lay before the Lord and get some direction on things. I have done a 21 day fast before and the Lord came through in the most amazing ways. I look forward to surrendering every bit of me to the father, withholding nothing.
Sounds like you are ready to press on, my friend! I’m so glad you’ll be joining the fast. God promises in his Word that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness will be filled (Matthew 5:6). So you can be confident the Lord will come near as you fast and pray. May God overwhelm you with his great love on your fast!
Monday I was accosted by your book in Barnes & Noble. I say that because it was on a table in the middle of the store & it reached out & grabbed me. I picked it up & put it down three times & finally purchased it. Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday I heard things about the Book of Daniel & his fasts from other sources as well.
Today I ran across your web site in the book & found out about the online fast in January. I sooo long to know Jesus better. Thank you for doing this. Today I signed up for the on line fast. Looking forward to journeying together with you & others to a closer relationship with our Creator.
Patti, I’m glad my book was so bold and wouldn’t let you go! I believe God has something really wonderful in store for you as you seek Him through prayer and fasting. If your desire is to know Him better, you won’t be disappointed. May the Lord bless your life in BIG WAYS in 2014!
Praise the Lord!!!