Praise God for all He did through the January 2018 Daniel Fast! The seventh annual online fast was held January 7-27, 2018.
Our theme for this year’s Daniel Fast was “Lift Up Your Voice,” which was based upon 2 Chronicles 20. Through the 21-day fast, we studied the story of King Jehoshaphat and discovered the importance of prayer and praise, especially during trials. We also saw how God responded as the people cried out to him for help in their crisis.
Everyone who registered for the online fast received weekly emails and daily videos of encouragement and support (you can view the list of videos here). Many fast participants also chose to use my new book, Lift Up Your Voice: 21 Daily Devotions for Your Daniel Fast, to guide their Bible study time. Others took advantage of the resources in The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast to make their fast more effective. I’m so thankful for every person who joined the fast. It truly was an honor to have so many men and women from around the world partner with me in prayer.
Following are just a few testimonies from the January 2018 Daniel Fast:
“I’ve tried to fast in the past, but it has never worked. When I started this Daniel Fast with you, the willpower was unbelievable. I feel amazing! I feel like something has transformed in my life, and I want more. I’m stronger and wiser now. I’m ready to defeat the enemy. The victory has already been won because I cried out to the Lord and sung praises unto His name. Thank you, Kristen, for allowing God to use you to help His people get even closer to Him.” – Ramona
“I’m looking forward to 2018 with great anticipation and expectation. The same GOD who helped King Jehoshaphat and the people of Judah will do it for me and all of my Christians brothers and sisters as we use this time to draw closer to Him.” – Robert
“God is wonderful! On the fast, I had applied for jobs, believing that the Lord would answer my prayers and lead me. Last week I got called by two companies. My daughter said, “Mummy, this fast is really good. God is answering our prayers already.” May His name be praised!” – Ibiso
“Since beginning the Ultimate Daniel Fast, I have learned how to really cry out to God. He has absolutely been amazing! He made it possible for me to attend a women’s conference when I didn’t have the money to pay for the hotel, transportation or food. The conference poured into my spirit, and I praised God like it was my last time. He has done so much for me that I cannot tell it all!” – Teresa
“I just wanted to thank you for your leadership during this fast. I enjoyed the structure and following King Jehoshaphat’s story. I’ve been doing the Daniel Fast for at least five years. Every time the Lord meets with me, cleanses me, and reminds me that He has my back and that I will overcome any painful or frightening situation because of who He is. I praise Him! May God continue to bless you and your ministry!” – Wendy
“Kristen, I thank God that He directed you in starting the online fast. It has helped strengthen me, and each year gets better and better. I can the Lord drawing me to focus on nothing but Him and His ability to do above or beyond what we ask or think. I can feel Lord giving me strength. The Lord is going to give back, in this year, what the enemy has stolen. I’m trusting Him for that. Thank you for allowing God to use you and for your continued obedience to Him.” – Sherry
“God called me to participate in the Daniel Fast for the purpose of delivering me from destructive eating habits that were hindering my spiritual growth. God has empowered me to put aside the sin of turning to food for comfort so that I could turn to the Comforter! Through the power of the Holy Spirit, my addiction to sugar has been broken, and I’m no longer powerless against the temptation to overindulge in sweets. I’m trusting the LORD for grace to keep me from returning to old, negative habits that were unhealthy and destructive. God worked mightily in me to teach me the discipline that I was lacking. I’m so thankful to the LORD for leading me to Kristen’s book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. Giving up the foods that I once liked for the purpose of drawing closer to my God and Father was a life-changing experience. God did wonders beyond imagination!” – Sharon
“In this time that I’ve come before Him intentionally, He’s done so much. He’s led me to create a prayer closet, and as I come before Him daily He renews me, strengthens me, leads me, and blesses me. I’ve learned so much on this journey with you. I pray that God continues to use you to reach the masses! God is so amazing, and I’m so super excited! Again, thank you! To God be the glory!” – Shataka
Yes, AMEN! To God be the glory! The Lord has certainly done great and mighty things through the January 2018 Daniel Fast! But the best part is that even though our fast has ended, our prayers will continue to make a difference. God is still at work in us and through us! Victory is ours through Jesus Christ our Lord!
If you missed being a part of the January 2018 Online Daniel Fast, be sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter to stay informed about future fasting events. Also, if you’re currently on the Daniel Fast or plan to do it later this year, you can take advantage of the 21 daily videos from the January 2018 Daniel Fast. These videos can accompany the 21-day devotional, Lift Up Your Voice.
In 2017 I followed the fast menu exactly. This year, 2018, I was promoted to research the areas of concern of my health, low thyroid & pre-menopausal (hormonal). Wow- did God open my eyes to my new reality of focus on foods that support these systems & eliminate those that don’t. More energy, less bloat so I was able to fully focus on prayer for healing in myself and prayer for others. I listed out names on paper to pray for and it has been amazing to watch God work in each person thru the fast. Thank you your words as a woman, a mother. The devotions were almost laid out like a weather forecast each day.
Hi, Kary! Thank you so much for your comments and for sharing how the Lord has been working in your life through the Daniel Fast. Praise God for all the wonderful things He did! May God continue to pour out His Spirit upon you as you seek Him in 2018!
Hi Kristen,
Wondering if Orzo (made with 100% durum semolina) is allowed on the Daniel Fast? I went through your recipes, but didn’t see any where? What about quinoa? Thank-you.
Hi, Rosie! Only whole grain products are allowed on the Daniel Fast, which means you can have quinoa but not orzo. Whole grain products keep all three of parts of the original grain kernel — germ, bran and endosperm — in their original proportions after being milled into flour. Orzo is made only with the endosperm portion of the kernel. Thanks for your question!
Am so glad i came across here. I have started my Daniel fast today. Do i eat honey? Boiled potatoes? Brown rice? Thank you.
Hi, Grace! I’m glad to hear you’re doing the Daniel Fast right now. No, honey is not allowed (no added sugars are a part of the Daniel Fast). Boiled potatoes are fine (vegetables are highly encouraged!), and all whole grains are acceptable, including brown rice. Here is a list of what to eat and what to avoid while on the Daniel Fast: May God bless you as you seek Him!
I am blessed to read the comments about your online Daniel Fast. I’m just hearing about it. Perhaps I can join the next one I’m a avid faster. I couldn’t live my Christian life without it. Fasting and praying is two of the tools that keep me strong in the Lord. Kristen do you shave a book on eating out while on a Daniel Fast? Thank you for letting God use you in this way.
Hi, Doris! Thanks for your comments. Yes, you should definitely join the next online fast! If you haven’t already, be sure to sign up for my monthly newsletter so you can learn about any upcoming events (top right sidebar on home page). No, unfortunately, I don’t have a book on eating out, but I frequently give suggestions that can be helpful.
I was blessed with a job! I’ve been unemployed since the end of August…earlier this month I was walking a cart back into CVS and a stranger stopped and told me that GOD was going to bless me in a mighty unexpected way; while I was driving home my phone buzzed; when I got home I checked the voice mail asking me to come in for an interview. I start orientation January 30th!
That’s wonderful! What a great testimony of God’s faithfulness to provide! Thank you for sharing.