Every January since 2012, I’ve led an online Daniel Fast during the first three weeks of January. It’s always an exciting, powerful time as believers from all across the world join together to seek the Lord through prayer and fasting.
This year, men and women from 20 different countries and 45 states participated in the January 2020 Daniel Fast, which was held January 5-25, 2020. Our theme for the fast was “Have Your Way,” based upon Luke 22:42: “Not my will, but yours be done.” We focused on surrendering to the Lord and trusting him with every part of our lives.
Everyone who registered for the online fast received weekly emails and daily videos of encouragement and support. Many fast participants also chose to use my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast, to make their experience more effective.
Many who fasted experienced breakthrough. Others are still waiting on the Lord for answers to prayer. But, all of us were recipients of God’s kindness and faithfulness on our 21-day journey. Following are a few testimonies from fast participants:
“This was my very first Daniel Fast. I’m SO thankful God invited me to do it and to be able to participate with you. I looked forward to your emails and videos every single day. Your book, recipes, and tips were spot on. The fast was such a gift and incredible way to kick off 2020. God has shown up and off, and I know this is just the beginning.” — Amy
“Mere words cannot truly express how grateful I am. You provided so much encouragement each day with prayer points and Scripture, messages, testimonials, meal suggestions, recipes, and a daily video. I really enjoyed the daily videos. It was an added bonus to have you and your husband, Justin, in the videos, which several of them were “laugh out loud” funny. I just appreciated how genuine and true you both are.” – Argelene
“This Daniel Fast has been such a blessing for my fiancée and me. During this time of engagement and wedding planning, the fast was a great reminder to fully surrender to the Lord, to embrace his perfect peace and wait on his timing. Thank you, Kristen and Justin!” – Christopher
“God has done a miracle in my life. On Day 14, our prayer point was to pray for all who are fasting. That day I was walking towards a store to buy something. I looked to the right and then to the left to make sure it was safe to cross. When I stepped forward, I was hit by a minivan! I felt my body fly, and then my head bounced off the ground. All I could hear was myself saying, “Jesus! Jesus! Lord, help me!” I didn’t lose consciousness, but I had a terrible headache, along with cuts and bruises. I was also very confused. Looking back, I know God was with me and looking after me. I cannot thank God enough for saving my life. This is the power of praying for one another.” – Leila
“One of the best decisions I made before starting the fast is finding and joining you on this journey. My mom and I tried the fast for the first time last year, but I have thoroughly enjoyed it this year because of the guidance from you. I woke up at 4 A.M. some mornings, excited to watch the video and read the devotional portion. I plan to record all of the inspirational quotes on index cards for my desk at work. I just want to tell you and Justin thanks for taking the time to help me on this journey. I’m going to miss you!” – Constance
“Thank you for the Ultimate Daniel Fast! I’m participating, learning, and growing in my Christian walk. I appreciate all you have done and are doing to spur me along on this journey. From the insightful daily devotionals, special encouraging videos, delicious recipes, and inspirational music, I’m in awe of all the resources you provide to keep me in the Word and on track. I’m grateful for you and thank you from the bottom of my heart. May God bless you as you faithfully serve and minister to others.” – Susan
“I really learned a lot through this fast. I knew I was supposed to do it, and I have never been successful in the past. But this time I was. What I desired was to hear from the Lord in a new way, and I am.” – Judy
“Thank you for providing all these resources. I looked forward to my daily emails and video, and the recipes have been amazing. Your book was such a great guideline and resource, which made my very first Daniel Fast simple to follow. The “Have Your Way” theme was perfect as I was in the process of a big decision. I felt the tug to take the next step but was praying for complete clarity. I took the step and feel peace about it. Amen.” – Peggy
“My wife and I completed the fast, during which our fervent prayer request was for confirmation of a mission trip to Zambia. I’m no longer young, so health is an issue when obtaining travel insurance. On Day 21, we had confirmation from the arranging organization that insurance cover will be in place to enable both of us to travel to Zambia for two weeks. Hallelujah! Praise the Lord! See you next year!” – Peter
“Thank you so much for the guidance and the insight into the Word and prayer. I was blessed throughout the fast, and I saw the hand of God work in great ways. The day we were guided to pray for our church was the same day I had a prayer meeting at my house to pray for my church but that had been scheduled days before. I shared the prayer points and the verses. On three different occasions, I used the verses you provided to encourage people who needed them on the same day. This was probably my fifth Daniel Fast, and I look forward to sharing again.” – Paulette
“This was the third time I’ve begun the New Year with the January Daniel Fast, and it just sets my year off right. I prayed specifically that God would limit my hunger and cravings and minimize my side effects the first few days (I always get severe headaches from coffee and sugar withdrawals). He came through as always. My headaches weren’t terrible and only lasted two days. Thank you for doing this each year. Your ministry is a blessing to others.” – Kristi
“Thank you for this wonderful journey.” – Angelica
“I felt God helping me like never before with the fast. Having a prayer partner (an older lady from my church) was such a blessing! Even though Week 1 had spiritual battles and emotional challenges, it went pretty quick, and God was triumphant through everything.” – Oliva
“I prayed that the LORD would set me free from fear of rejection. God has answered my prayer by showing me I need to forgive in order to move forward. I didn’t realize that the inability to overcome fear of rejection was associated with my inability to forgive those who have rejected me in the past. It wasn’t what I expected, but it was what I needed. I’m going to make a point to continue to ask for God to help me to forgive, so I can move forward into the purpose he has for me. I’m so glad I participated in this fast and am excited to see what the LORD has in store!” – Jenna
“I thank God for you and your ministry. I was truly blessed both spiritually and physically during the fast.” – Saundra
“I have been struggling since I retired and have been thinking about going back to work. Yet, every interview has ended with, “No, thank you.” During the fast, I took the message of surrender to heart, and said, “I surrender this to you, LORD. If you want me to go back to work, you can open the door.” I also surrendered my food cravings. I’ve lost eight pounds and have taken three inches off my waistline, wearing jeans I haven’t worn in several years. So, thank you for your dedication and encouragement. It was really helpful, and I appreciate it. See you next year!” – Rick
“I’m starting a grooming business from scratch but don’t have much equipment or materials. Recently, I wrote a letter to a manufacturer to see if they could donate some grooming equipment. On Day 20 of the fast, I received a care package with the tools I need! I believe this is a result of my Daniel Fast 2020.” – Seary
“This January was my fourth fast. The first year I bought your book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. I also subscribed to your emails, which was a tremendous help, and purchased your Spiritually Strong book. The second year, I used your resources again and loved it. However, the third year I didn’t. I had God and friends and that was all I needed. But, this year I came back home. I missed your smiling face and your daily encouragement. Even though the videos were short, they were just what I needed to hear and see. It really does make a difference not only to read but to see a live person helping you along the way. Thank you, Kristen. God put you in our lives, and I’m thankful for all you do.” – Marie
“I’m thankful I did the Daniel Fast for the first time with my daughter (her first time too). I feel great, and, most importantly, I know God is on his time, and he will answer my prayers. God bless you, and thank you for your words of encouragement every day and for your delicious recipes.” – Wendy
“I wanted to say thank you for hosting the Daniel Fast again this year. I have been using your guidance in the fast for four or five years now. I really look forward to starting my year in prayer and fasting. Your videos and words are great guides and great reminders on how to connect better with Jesus, our spouse, our friends, our families, and others. I have come out of these past 21 days feeling I have better relationships and more focus on God’s Word. The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast has been an excellent resource for me as well. Great messages and tasty recipes!” – Rob
“We decided to do the fast this year as a family. Usually, just my husband and I do the fast in January. This year both of our daughters wanted to join (in a modified form). The key thing we wanted to do as a family was carve out time each evening to read the Ultimate Daniel Fast daily devotional and Scriptures. Well, it was great! Each night we would take turns reading and then spend a few minutes discussing what we could take away from the reading and how we could apply it. Thanks for all the support you provided during this fast through your daily messages.” – Bridget
“Praise God for my improved health! One of the things on my Daniel Fast was to become for spiritually, mentally, and physically healthy. It’s already happening. I’m going to continue to follow many (not all, LOL) of the Daniel Fast guidelines to continue my improved health. I thank God for you and Justin. You just don’t know how much your daily videos and Scriptures meant to us.” – Brenda
“Thank you so much, Kristen. Thanks to you and your hubby for keeping me on track and allowing me to share what I’m doing with others, especially the message of how God blesses our sacrifice when we turn to him. Blessings in 2020 to you and your family! Also, I’m a two-year breast cancer victor. I don’t say survivor, because in him I’m not just surviving, I’m thriving in victory!” – Alice
“This was my very first Daniel Fast, and I can assure it was an awesome experience. It was so difficult, hard, soul searching but absolutely awesome and so very rewarding. The January fast is something I will definitely do again. I have already seen the miracles happening in my life and household.” – Imelda
Even though our 21-day journey has officially come to an end, our prayers will continue to make an impact. God is still at work in us and through us. We give him all the glory for the great things he has done and look forward to even more blessings throughout the year!
To learn more about the Daniel Fast, visit About the Daniel Fast, Daniel Fast Food List, and FAQs.
If you missed being a part of the January 2020 Online Daniel Fast, you can still get access to the emails and videos by using the payment option to the right. A PDF file of all the resources will be emailed to you upon receipt of payment.