After the unexpected challenges of COVID in 2020, more believers than ever joined the January Ultimate Daniel Fast. Men and women around the world, desperate for new hope, new possibilities, and a new perspective, came together to fast and pray.
The theme for the 10th annual fast was “Miracles in the Making,” based upon Psalm 77:14: “You are the God who performs miracles; you display your power among the peoples.”
During the 21-day fast, we saw the Lord move in mighty ways. Favor was granted, jobs were provided, people received healing, marriages were restored, and family members were saved. That’s just the beginning, too. More miracles are in the making!
Saturday, January 23, was the last day of the fast. However, we’ll continue to persevere in prayer as we trust God to answer in his way and in his timing. Following are a few testimonies from the January 2021 Daniel Fast:
“Thank you, Kristen, for leading the fast and for the encouraging words from you and your husband in the morning videos. Thanks also for the devotional, Miracles in the Making. I’m certain that the Daniel Fast will continue to be a part of my journey at the beginning of every year.” – Cindy
“I thank God for giving you this vision of the Daniel Fast. What a way to start a year!” – Londie
“I have felt a smothering weight since the pandemic began and then my father died in the fall (not COVID), but COVID protocols made us postpone his celebration until sometime this summer. All of a sudden, on Saturday as I ended my fast, I began to have renewed energy and interest for various projects. I praise God for lifting this shroud of darkness.” – Sarah
“I’ve done the fast with you a few times, and this year it was sorely needed! Like many other people, 2020 took a rough toll on me. I sank into isolation and depression to the point I became very concerned about my health. I woke up the morning of day 1 and was convicted to not only fast from food/drink, but to fast from TV, Facebook, and games on my phone. So, I jumped in with both feet! My BP has gone from 164/99 to 102/60, my resting HR has gone from 82 to the 50s, and I lost 13 pounds. Spiritually, I am praying consistently throughout the day, have much more time to work on my recovery and understand why I have numbed myself with food my whole life, am making church a priority again. My daughter and I are also growing closer. Thank you for your heart for God and willingness to listen to him! I love the fast and love the videos of you and your husband! You have brought a sense of community and support to this 57-year-old single mom who, for the majority of the last year, has spent most of her time home alone with her two fur babies, working too many hours, and making unhealthy choices. That has definitely changed with the fast, and I am certain 2021 will be a much better year! I’ll be back for 2022!” – Diane
“Thank you for the prayer points, daily videos, and just everything that your site provides.” – Litia
“I have a hard time doing a regular fast because it makes me feel sick from not eating, but I had heard of the Daniel Fast and thought I would look it up. Right away, I came upon your website. I don’t think it was a coincidence that our loving Heavenly Father directed me to your site. I’m so grateful for this opportunity to seek the Lord, to devote our lives to Him, to lift His people up in prayer, to listen to His voice, and to praise His Holy name. I’m so thankful for all you are doing Kristen. God promises to bring good out of all things, and He is.” – Lisa
“Thank you for your videos. I decided to do the Daniel Fast for the first time this year. Your website, videos, and recipes really helped me know what to do and expect throughout the fast, and I was strengthened and encouraged by the daily videos. Thanks for sharing this resource and may God continue to richly bless you, your husband, and your family.” – Victor
“I’ve been working as a contractor for five years, making less than $40,000 a year. I have a BS and MS in CIS. I’ve applied and interviewed for the SAME position three times. While on the Daniel Fast, God answered, and I got the job. Now, I’m making more money than I’ve ever made in my life.” – Angie
“Thank you for all you have helped with these last 21+ days.” – Barrie
“Once again, I saw my blood sugar drop to normal. It had been running in the 170s in AM, (90-120 is normal, 120-140 for diabetics). While I was on the Daniel Fast, my blood sugar was in the 130-140 range. Praise God! This happened two years ago as well!” – Alice
“I enjoyed your daily videos and prayer points, not to mention the delicious recipes. Thanks so much, and may God continue to bless you abundantly!” – Marie
“Thank you, Kristen. You have no idea what your book material and fasting time mean to me. It has been amazing! I know all the work that this project involves, so thanks!” – Enriqueta
“Thank you again for walking so many people through this fast and for your years of dedication.” – Heidi
“This fasting time not only was amazing spiritually, but also my family rediscovered my cooking skills with Kristen‘s recipes.” – Veronica
“This is the fifth year that I’ve followed your Daniel Fast postings. The first year I purchased The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast, and I love most of the recipes. Thanks so much for this year’s devotional, prayer points, and the Facebook forum. Each of those is an encouragement to continue the fast, who to pray for, and scriptures for keep me focused on Jesus. The Ultimate Daniel Fast keeps getting better each year! Praying God’s richest blessings on you and your ministry.” – Margi
“Kristen, thank you for leading us on the Daniel Fast. It has made a huge difference in my spiritual life. No doubt I will join the next fast.” – Londy
“This fast has been an immense blessing to me on so many levels! Thank you for hosting such a wonderful event.” – Robin
“The Lord provided and answered so many prayers! I’m so grateful for Kristen and Justin Feola for the daily videos and devotions! What a true blessing! The best is yet to come! May we serve the Lord Jesus always and give God all the glory!” – MaryAnn
“God has been so good. I enjoyed every moment of the fast and have had so many new and exciting experiences with the Holy Spirit. My intention is to pursue God more and chase after Him. I’ve fallen in love with Him all over again and I never want it to end. Thank you, Lord, for your faithfulness that’s new morning by morning.” – Hshaana
“Thank you so much for your prayers and support during this journey. This was my first year participating in the Daniel Fast, and my time with you both during the videos was such a blessing. I will miss you both.” – Stephanie
“I like to do the fast yearly, and every year God amazes me. He made a way when I thought there was no way. I bought my first house on January 8th! I have been waiting five years. All glory to God.” – Monica
“Thank you for hosting this great fast, Kristen. Thank you, Justin, for helping and supporting Kristen and us with the devotionals, videos, recipes, and Facebook Group! I was blessed by it all and by how God helped me to be more disciplined, reflective, introspective, and open to purging. I’m trusting God to continue to equip me to do all HE needs me to accomplish for His glory!” – Chanda
“My journey was an awesome experience. God has answered some of my prayers, and I know he will to answer the others in due time. I will continue with more prayer and devotions throughout the year. A special thank you to Kristen and Justin. It was such a privilege to have you in my home during the videos. Thank you for the encouragement and for uplifting me during the 21 days. May God bless and uphold you in your ministry.” – Nams
“I did the January Daniel Fast because I wanted to get closer to God and start out the New Year with him. God has blessed me with your book and videos. I’ve ordered three more books for my family members and will be starting the Daniel Fast again for Lent. This time, my husband, my dad, and my mom will be joining me. What a blessing! Thank you.” – Gloria
“Thanks so much. See you next year!” – Aaron
If you missed the January Daniel Fast, you can still access the free materials and utilize them any time during the year.
This month January 2021, I felt like the Lord lead me to read Daniel. I’ve read it before but you know you can read a verse or passage a 1000 times, and every time, based on where you are in your walk, it speaks to you differently. The more I read, I posed a question during my journal time. I asked the Lord, “are you calling me to be a Daniel?” I was so blow away by the way Daniel handled himself and his walk with the Lord before the king. When the king was manipulated into passing the decree about worship, Daniel continued being “Daniel” regardless of the governing mandates. He was never disrespectful in any manner toward the king and his officials but always stood firm in his faith. Oh how we can all learn from this posture. Once I finished reading Daniel, a few days later, I came across a YouTuber I’m subscribed to for crafting. Well in this video, she was sharing her Daniel Fast recipes. As I’m watching, I had a thought. If the Lord is calling me to be a “Daniel”, the the fast is next. I have the original book and plan to begin February 1st. Fasting isn’t new to me but this one feels like it’s going to be much different. I plan to use your website as a tool and I am expecting BIG! I will l report back on day 2/22/21. But God…
Hi, Tina! What an encouraging testimony about how the Lord has been speaking to you and leading you! Thanks so much for sharing. And, yes, do use the resources provided on my website, and do send me another testimony. 🙂
Good day Kristen. Thank you so much for leading this Daniel Prayer and Fasting. This is my 8th year and I thanked God for you and your family. I love the book of Nehemiah rebuilt the wall of Jerusalem for only 52 days by Gods grace and provisions. Thank God because my blood pressure back to normal and I have upcoming MPI test for my heart this coming Feb. 1, 2021.
I thank God for one of my friend joined also the Daniel Fasting and she encouraged to read more the Word of God and be bold to share to others. More thanksgiving to God for if we put God first in our life, blessings follows. Praise God for your life and Justine as well as your children. Glory to God. God bless you more and more 🙏🙏🙏 Lucy
Lucy, thank you so much for your kind words. Praise the Lord for all he did in your life, physically and spiritually, as you fasted and prayed!