The 11th annual online Daniel Fast was held January 2-22, 2022. This year’s theme was “Pray, Wait, Trust.” Even though the 21-day has ended, we continue pray to the Lord, wait on his timing, and trust in his ways.
Following are a few testimonies from believers who completed the fast. I hope these examples of God’s faithfulness encourage you as you seek him in 2022:
“Kristen, your book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast, was such a blessing! This was my first successful attempt at trying the Daniel Fast. I went into this with many doubts. During the fast, I sought guidance regarding my education and career choices because I wanted God’s will to be done. On day 20 of my Daniel Fast, I was offered an internship for my master’s degree AND a job opportunity regarding my completed bachelor’s degree. I was bewildered! This came out of nowhere. God answered me! Praise to Him forever! Thank you for the great guide regarding the Daniel Fast. It truly helped!” – Dylan
“I loved this journey SO MUCH that I will continue on past the 21 days!” – Jodye
“This was my first time doing the Daniel Fast, and it was a great experience. I can’t believe l did it! God is amazing! On day 3, l received financial blessings that l didn’t expect but didn’t realize it until day 15 when l got the urge to check my account. Praise God! I intend to make fasting and prayer my lifestyle.” – Gigi
“I just had to share with you that I did the Daniel Fast, and it was incredible! The Scriptures you chose and the prayers were just perfect. They brought me back into a time of quiet worship and prayer that I’d fallen out of for a few weeks. It was so timely and necessary for me to have another guide to keep me in the Word. Also, on a side note, I lost 15 pounds doing this fast (I combined it with an 8-hour fast throughout the day) and am feeling physically better than I have in a long time. The plan is to continue with all of this and keep on track. Thank you so much for doing this fast. It’s absolutely amazing and God-honoring.” – Jamie
“I have been so blessed by your book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. I have done the Daniel Fast several times but never read your book before this year. I can see why my soul’s enemy was keeping me from reading it! Your encouragement, ideas and experience were tools of immense blessing to my mind, body, and soul. I look forward to doing more fasting throughout the year as cleansing tune-ups. THANK YOU!” – Lourdes
“The fast was hard, but I now see God’s purpose and why it was needed. The Lord broke strongholds. Some I saw, and some I didn’t even know existed. God has blessed me beyond expectation, and it’s only the beginning! God is great!” – Amber
For more information and to access helpful fasting resources, visit 2022 Daniel Fast.