“May you have the power to understand, as all God’s people should, how wide, how long, how high, and how deep his love is” (Ephesians 3:18 NLT).
I’m fascinated by the ocean. When I look out upon its mighty waters, I’m in awe of God’s marvelous creation. But if I stay on the sand collecting sea shells and never venture out into the waves, I miss out. For just below the ocean’s surface is an amazing display of colors and creatures that’s breathtaking. The first time I went snorkeling, I couldn’t believe my eyes! As I swam among various kinds of fish and sea life, I realized there’s much more beauty to the ocean than what I can be seen from the shore.
That’s how the Christian life is. If we’re content to go to church once a week and read the Bible sporadically, we rob ourselves of the abundant life God wants us to experience. But when we choose to dive into spiritual waters through disciplines such as fasting, we discover a whole new level of joy and power. Our lives are enriched and strengthened in ways they wouldn’t be otherwise. We’re also more sensitive to what God is doing around us.
Have you set aside time to fast and pray this year? If not, don’t let fear of the unknown keep you stuck in the sand. Trust the Lord to give you the courage to step out into the water. When you do, you’ll have a greater understanding of how long, how high, and how deep God’s love is for you!
thank you so much. i have been utilizing the james river here in richmond/ a beach in york va to watch the sunrise, set/ enjoy Gods awesome power thru the water. i was afraid to go down into the rocks at Belles isle for fear of falling in. i was offered an opportunity to snorkel but was afraid of that also. i will set a date to snorkel in the near future in hopes that the same peace i get sitting on the rocks of the james i will feel while walking on the oceans bottom. May Gods grace be upon you.