“Shouts of joy and victory resound in the tents of the righteous: ‘The LORD’s right hand has done mighty things!'” – Psalm 118:15
1. I am not in control.
If I were to itemize all the technological problems I encountered on my fast, you wouldn’t believe it! The amount of daily setbacks was almost comical. From losing my Internet connection for two days to text alignment/formatting issues in the newsletter, I encountered one problem after another. At one point, I literally lifted up my hands and declared, “God, I have no control over this. It’s out of my hands! I need you to help me!” That was just the cry the Lord was waiting to hear. Each time I confessed my inability to correct a situation, God stepped in and provided what was needed.
2. God answers prayer in His way and in His timing.I have a family member who has been struggling in her relationship with the Lord for some time. Even though I’ve interceded for her for years, I sensed the Lord wanted me to focus on her needs during my fast. As I prayed daily for her, my faith increased. I knew God was going to bring her back around, I just didn’t know when. This past week, God did it, and in a very big way! I praise Him for His faithfulness. He showed me through this experience that I must never give up in praying. Even when it seems as if nothing is happening, God is always at work. That’s where the trust comes in, walking by faith not by sight.3. God cares about the details.
Although I could provide many examples of how God is a God of the details, I want so share one in particular. Throughout the fast, I gave away prizes to my newsletter subscribers, just as a fun reward for those who committed to the January Daniel Fast. Shortly after announcing the winners of the Week 3 prize giveaway, I received the following email:
I was so thrilled to find that I had won a copy of The Color of Rain. I wanted this book because the story so closely mirrors my life and where I have walked. I lost a precious sweet husband nine years ago on January 27th (today happens to be the anniversary of his death). I know that this was a gift from the Lord, and when I saw the story on this book, I wanted to read it. God has opened that door through your ministry.
When I read this message, my heart was full of awe and wonder of the One who is mighty and all-powerful, yet tender and gentle. He cares about the details of our lives, and this truth is evident in the above testimony. Did you catch the part about how this sweet lady won the book on the ninth anniversary of her husband’s death? Yes, we serve El Roi, the God who sees!
If you’re considering a Daniel Fast, let me encourage you to do it. You’ll be amazed at how God works in your life as you humble yourself before Him. Also, be sure to get a copy of my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. It will serve as your faithful companion on your journey.
Praise the Lord for the great things He has done already this year! Praise Him for what’s to come!