The Daniel Fast is a unique type of fast because you can eat, unlike a liquid fast where only water or juices are consumed. But just because you can have food doesn’t mean the Daniel Fast is easy.
Fasting, in any form, is difficult because you’re doing battle physically and spiritually. However, there are steps you can take to strengthen you for the fight. Following are ways you can prepare your heart, mind, and body for your 21-day Daniel Fast journey.
Spiritual Preparation
1. Pray
Begin praying for your Daniel Fast even before it begins. Ask the Lord to reveal any unconfessed sin, unforgiveness, or rebellion. When God reveals it to you (and he will), confess your sin quickly and repent. Take time to get your heart ready for what God wants to do in and through you on the fast.
2. Read verses on fasting.
Take time to study passages in the Bible that have to do with fasting. It will help you gain insight on people fasted, the ways God responded to their prayers, and what God requires of His people on a fast. Suggested passages are Isaiah 58, 2 Chron. 20:1-4, Ezra 8:21-23, Neh. 1:1-4, Est. 4:15-17, and Matt. 4:1-11).
3. Buy a journal or use a notebook.
Use a journal or notebook for prayer requests, praises, and answers to prayer. Record what the Lord shows you through his Word.
4. Write down prayer requests.
What do you want to see God do during your fast? Take time to identify your primary motivations for fasting. Record your prayer requests in your journal or on a separate piece of paper. Keep the list visible, and pray over those needs throughout your fast. Make sure you include requests for others and not just your own requests.
5. Find a prayer partner.
It’s important to have a trusted friend or family member who can be your prayer partner during your fast. Ideally, you should choose someone who is doing the fast with you, but it’s certainly not a requirement. The key is to ask someone who will lift you up and keep you accountable.
Physical Preparation
1. Ease into the fast.
Start cutting back on restricted foods about a week before the fast begins. Reduce your intake of caffeine, meat, dairy, sugar, and processed foods. Doing so will help your body adjust to the Daniel Fast and also reduce the severity of any unpleasant side effects. Trust me, the temptation to eat everything you can’t have on the fast will be strong, but splurging will only make the transition much more difficult. Also, it’s a good idea to increase your water consumption before your fast begins.
2. Plan your meals for the first week.
The key to success with the food portion of the Daniel Fast is proper planning. It will save you time in the long run and help prevent the frustration of trying to decide at the last minute what to eat. Having a plan will also keep you from indulging in foods that don’t fall within the Daniel Fast guidelines. If you want help with this process, you can find three weeks of meal plans in my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. Take advantage of the fact that some of the meal planning for your fast has already been done for you!
3. Make a grocery list for the first week.
Putting a list together before you go to the grocery store will make your shopping much more efficient. Again, I provide a grocery shopping list for each meal plan in my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast.
4. Get your kitchen ready.
Make sure you have the proper appliances (ex. blender, cutting board, food processor, etc.) and utensils (ex. knives, spatula, garlic press, etc.) before embarking on this three-week adventure. When preparing recipes, having the tools you need will make everything much easier. Check out my blog post, “5 Kitchen Gadgets to Make Your Daniel Fast Easier,” for help in this area.
5. Prepare food ahead of time.
Look at the first week’s recipes on your meal plan to find ways you can speed up food preparation and make it more efficient. For example, if you’re making Taco Soup for dinner on Sunday, go ahead and prepare the Taco Seasoning on Saturday, so it’s ready to go.
6. Cook and freeze meals.
Every time I do the Daniel Fast, I carve out a few hours the weekend before the fast begins and make a few meals, such as Baked Oatmeal, Black Bean Chili Bake, and Tuscan Soup. Then I freeze half of each recipe. That way I have food when I don’t have time to cook or need a quick go-to meal. You’ll really appreciate this step when you reach the third week of your fast.
Proper preparation is the key to making your fast successful. My book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast, provides the resources you need. It includes 21 daily devotions, 100+ Daniel Fast recipes, grocery shopping lists, meal plans, and more. You can find The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast in bookstores or online.
When you do your part in getting ready, God will do the rest!
I am very excited to start – hope the book contains Summer receipes as in South Africa over Jan it’s summer.
Wonderful! Yes, you will have plenty of recipes to choose from. And, you can also search for recipes on my website. I’m so thankful you’ll be joining the fast!
Hi Kristen,
I started the fast today.
Please pray for me as I am doing it by myself and without any support around.
God bless.
Hi, Marilyn! I’m glad you are seeking the Lord through the Daniel Fast. You are not alone; the Lord is with you! Yes, I’ll pray for you. In fact, I will right now. “Father God, I pray you will strengthen Marilyn through the power of your Holy Spirit today. As she draws near to you in prayer, draw near to her and fill her with your peace. Thank you for helping her every step of the way. You are the One who will sustain Marilyn and give her victory. We give you all the praise, God, for you alone are worthy! In Jesus’ name, AMEN!”
If I woke up one morning which was about 4 days ago, and felt like I should fast, even though I had no preparation whatsoever, was it right for me, biblically, to jump into all of a sudden? Today is Day 4.
Austin, if you sensed the Lord leading you to do it immediately, then you should obey. Of course, it helps to have at least a few days to prepare, but it’s not necessary. How are you doing on the fast?
Dear Kristen,
thank you for this very helpful website.
I have a question regarding how to break the fast. I don’t want to overwhelm my body at the end of the fasting period. Do you have any advice for the first day and even first few days after the fast?
Thank you, Marie
Hi, Marie! Yes, you should ease back into “regular “eating for sure. Many times people are tempted to have everything that was restricted while on the fast…in one meal! I don’t recommend that approach at all because you might not feel well after indulging like that. Give your body time to adjust. For example, if you’re going to eat meat, have small portions. Also, continue to drink lots of water, just as you did on the fast. Keep making healthy choices, and consider having one or two days where you eat Daniel Fast meals. In other words, don’t just throw away all the good habits you learned on the fast! Thank you for your question and for joining the August 2016 Daniel Fast. May God bless you abundantly for your commitment to Him!
Can you use Tofurky products? I have the lightly seasoned chick’ n. It is a vegan product just wanted to make sure.
I checked the ingredients list for Slow-Roasted/Lightly Seasoned Chick’n, and, I’m sorry to say there are many ingredients that aren’t allowed on the fast, including sugar and yeast. Here’s the complete list: Water, vital wheat gluten, organic tofu (water, organic soybeans, magnesium chloride, calcium chloride), non-GM expeller pressed canola oil, organic cane sugar, yeast extract, oat fiber, vegan natural flavors, non-GM corn starch, sea salt, potassium chloride, granulated garlic, calcium lactate from beets, onion powder, spices, citric acid, titanium dioxide (a naturally occurring mineral). Marinade: Non-GM expeller pressed canola oil, water, shoyu soy sauce (water, non-GM soybeans, wheat, salt, culture), garlic puree, sea salt, black pepper, natural vegan flavor, xanthan gum.
Thanks so much for your quick response.
You’re welcome!
Hi my name is Iberkys, this is my second time trying. Although I did not do it 100%, I was encouraged by my friends to continue. I always fear to do it for fear of failing. I am willing to give it a sencond try, this time with a bit of more knowledge with a group of friends. Praying this time I do better. Thank you for all your tips, and encouragement to pray for a
cause. Joining you in this journey.
I’m so thankful you haven’t given up! Good for you! The only time you “fail” is when you stop trying. And, so, you’re a winner in my book…and certainly in God’s! 😉 It will definitely help you to do the fast with friends. Plus, you have thousands of believers all around the world doing the fast right now, so you’re not alone! Be sure to sign up for my weekly emails (link is on right sidebar). I’ll send out an email to everyone on the August 2016 Daniel Fast on Mondays and Wednesdays. May God bless you abundantly as you seek Him!
Hi, my name is Jennifer. I tried to do the fast last year and didn’t go all the way. What are some tips to make it ? Thank you and God bless :))
Hi, Jennifer! I’m glad to see you haven’t given up. 🙂 First, it helps to do the fast with others. Whether it’s a family member, friend, or your church, that added accountability DOES help. Finding a prayer partner (as mentioned in this post) is a good idea as well. Also, if you join through my website for the August 2016 Daniel Fast, you’ll receive two emails from me per week that will provide extra support and encouragement. Finally, investing in a copy of my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast, is another way to keep yourself on track!
Hey! I have fasted many times throughout the past several years, and I am really needing another fast for the hard times I am going through. I always want to lengthen my fast, however, four days is the longest I can ever go before I am too fatigued, and have to eat something. I never thought a could “fast” and eat at the same time, but have a more restricted diet. I’m wanting to try this to see if things begin to look up. Thank you for all of your information! I hope to begin this week.
– Bay
Hi, Bay! I’m so thankful you want to do the Daniel Fast. Have you started? If not, see my post, “August 2016 Daniel Fast.” I’d love for you to join!
I have been praying, researching and reading about the Daniel plan for a few months now. I have been drawn to your book, The Ultimate Guide To The Daniel Fast more than the other authors. I went to the Christian book store to look a the Rick Warren Daniel Plan Journal, only to find that a local church was doing the plan and everything was sold it. Since I am sill in the planning stage I had already bought Rick Warren’s Daniel Plan as well as your boo and a book be Susan Gregory. When I looked in the devotional section, I found your Spiritually Strong book.
Thank you for this beautiful book. This was the final piece that I was missing.
Tomorrow I start my Daniel Plan journey with your help. I am also planning on sharing my journey with my small group ladies. Out of 10, I have 2 other friends who will join me on this missing.
Please pray for strength for me as I am not very healthy spiritually or physical,but I know for certain that this is something God is leading me to.
Thank you for providing and sharing your resources. Thank you for being obedient and letting God use you,
Hi, Susan! Thanks so much for your comments. I apologize for the delay in my response. I have been on vacation. 🙂 I’m thankful the Lord has blessed you through my books. He is so faithful to give us just what we need at just the right time! I pray the Lord will continue to strengthen you in every way as you seek Him. He loves you so much!
Hi, I’m a bit confused about Christian fasting. Is it a 24-hour fasting, or just particular time in a day, like our Moslem friends do? Thanks.
Hi, Mario! The Daniel Fast is a three-week partial fast. For more information about the fast, I recommend The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. It explains the fast in detail. Thanks for your question!
I just purchased the audiobook on Audible.com. Thanks again.
Wonderful! Thank you. 🙂 I pray it’s a blessing to you!
Thanks for your quick response.
You’re welcome, Cynthia!
Can you have natural Cocoa Powder on the Daniel’s fast.
Hi, Cynthia! Great question. But since cocoa powder contains caffeine, it’s not allowed on the Daniel Fast.
Thank you very much for sharing. its amazing how God works. I just started the fasting for the 1st time and was confused and clueless. I was not prepared into it but after reading through this, I have gained knowledge and have seen and made sense of so many things that are happening around. Thank you so much…
Hi! You’re very welcome. I’m thankful the Lord led you to my website. May He fill you with His power and peace as you trust in Him to guide you!
Hi Kristen
Our Church ,Hope Center Brisbane Australia starts the Daniel Fast on the 4th of March..am so excited and grateful to have your readily available info from your website.thanks again and stay blessed..
Thank you so much for your comments and kind words. I’m glad to hear you’re doing the Daniel Fast with your church. May God bless you as you seek Him!
My wife and I started today, we will be doing three days water first and then move into the Daniel fast. I pray GOD gives us the strength to keep up, and that our prayers request are answered. Keep us in your prayers and any advice from you will be welcome. Thank you. GOD BLESS.
I’m so glad to hear you’re doing the Daniel Fast together. God will certainly bless you for your obedience and sacrifice. If you don’t have a copy of The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast, you might want to get it. The book is an extremely helpful resource. May the Lord fill you with His power and peace as you seek Him!
Hi, I’m on day 10 and am really quite excited about the spiritual benefits of this fast especially for future generations. I pray for strength to continue and for a closer, more intimate walk with God.
Great! I’m glad to hear you’re seeking the Lord through prayer and fasting. May God fill you with His power and peace as you trust Him.
Is it safe to fast as a breastfeeding mom?
My baby is 2 months old but I need some breakthrough in my marriage. Is it recommend?
Hi, Faith! Your question is a good one. Yes, the Daniel Fast is safe for a breast-feeding mom. I elaborate more on this issue on my FAQ page (scroll down to the very last one).
I’ve found your resources late…as I am currently on day 9. I had chills at night on day 7 & 8. Any thoughts or similar experiences? My cravings are still there but fading fast. Sleep is much improved I think from casting my cares on our Lord in prayer.
Thank you for the wealth of information and support.
In Christ,
Hi, Gregory! I’m glad to hear you’re doing the Daniel Fast. Yes, the body can experience some strange side effects as it adjusts. Typically, most symptoms subside after the first few days. You might have had some sort of virus on those days; maybe it wasn’t related to the fast at all. It’s hard to tell. During the second week, you should feel more settled in, as far as the eating goes. Sometimes people will experience a burst of energy. I pray the Lord continues to strengthen you as you seek Him through prayer and fasting!
Hello Kristen my church is doing the Corporate fast and my friend asked a good question and that was, is one meal a meal and that includes fruits or nuts at one sitting? Now I haven’t found an answer for her but I explained to her that it is fine to eat nuts & fruits throughout the day but one meal is like a “cooked” meal for example fish(which we are allowed), beans, broccoli and brown rice. Did I tell her correctly? Because I know this is a partial fast as well.
Hi, Hope! I’m so thankful your church is doing the Daniel Fast. Your friend’s question is a good one. The definition of a meal is difficult because a breakfast meal might be nuts and fruit. But that same combination of foods could be an afternoon snack. The frequency of eating on the Daniel Fast is also a personal decision. There is no set schedule. Everyone approaches the fast differently. Some people eat regular meals (such as you described–like beans, rice, and vegetables) and may even have a snack or two in between (fruit and nuts). Others might skip a meal to pray. There is no right or wrong way to do it. I hope this information helps. May God bless you abundantly as you seek Him!
Thank you so much for your time to reply. Today in service I told them about your book so it can help those who don’t exactly know what to cook or not cook. Maybe some will purchase it!! I will look to see if it’s on Amazon so I can put on my Kindle. I am sending a link for them to purchase the book in this mass text we have out. Unless you get this and send me another link. Thanks again I love what you have done with this. May God continue to shine His light on you in your ministry Woman of God!
Thank you, Hope! I pray people do get the book and are blessed by it. Yes, it’s available on Kindle, NOOK, and as an iBook. Here’s the link: http://www.ultimatedanielfast.com/book-the-ultimate-guide-to-the-daniel-fast/. I appreciate your support and encouragement!
Hi. My name is Marvine. My husband and our church family has been doing a 21 day fast since 2011. We do 3 days Esther fast (no food no water), 10 days liquid & water and 100% juice and last 8 days Daniel Fast. I ran across your website and it has been a blessing to me. thank you for the recipes. i will buy your book. What do you think about the fast we are doing?
Hi, Marvine! I love that your church is committed to prayer and fasting. The type of fast that you’re doing sounds wonderfully difficult. 🙂 I think it’s great. All I could think when I read your comment was, “I’m sure they can’t wait to get to the Daniel Fast part!” Thank you for sharing. May God bless you and your church in mighty ways as you seek Him!
What if you start the fast and a week or two into it you have to have surgery does that matter?
Hi, Anna! I suppose it depends upon how serious the surgery is and if you have any complications. But, more than likely, you should be totally fine. Two years ago I got the flu on day 1 of my fast. I was sick the entire 21 days. But, God gave me strength to stay on the fast. So I know God will help you, too!
Ian having a Sweet Kale salad tonite n need a dressings.
Perhaps this page will help: http://www.ultimatedanielfast.com/recipes/salads-salad-dressings/.
Thanks very much for the help offered on this site. I have a question. I will be doing the Daniel fast for 21 days, however I am planning on doing a few days of partial fast in between. When I am breaking the partial fast can I at that time eat regular food or should I break the partial fast by staying on the Daniel fast?
Thanks very much for your help.
Hi, Charles! When you say you’re planning on doing a “partial fast” in between, what do you mean? The Daniel Fast IS a partial fast, so I’m a little confused. If you can clarify, I can try to help.
Hi; my name is Barbara I’m doing a corporate 10 day fast, they encouraged us to do a Daniel Fast. So, I went on Google and ran into your site, I’ve found it helpful so far. Are lightly salted roasted almonds acceptable? I seen salt as acceptable and nuts. But I’m not sure if the roasted part is okay. I’m disappointed that herbal teas and honey are on the restricted list but that’s why the list is there. Thank you
Hi, Barbara! I’m glad to hear you’re doing the Daniel Fast. Yes, lightly salted (and/or roasted nuts) are acceptable, although raw or dry-roasted (no oils used) nuts are healthier. 🙂
I just found this website and joined/signed up to start the Fast (and getting ready to buy your book), so I’m starting a little late. I’m excited about what God has planned for me!! (Quick question…why can you use herbs in your cooking and not drink herbal tea?)
Hi, Elaine! I’m so thankful the Lord led you to my website and that you signed up for the fast! Also, thank you for purchasing The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. I pray it’s a blessing to you!
Your question about herbal tea is a good one. 🙂 The main reason teas (even herbal) are restricted is based upon Daniel’s example in the Bible and the fact that he drank only water during his fasts (Daniel 1:12 and 10:3). For some people, having tea is a daily treat, so they may choose to give it up for a period of fasting as a sacrifice to the Lord. Perhaps this is not the case for you and maybe you might choose to include herbal tea on your fast.
The Daniel Fast guidelines are meant to help provide boundaries. However, they are not meant to cause legalism so that you are overly focused on what to eat and what not to eat. That would negate the whole point of drawing near to God. The goal is to eliminate foods that will give you a sense of self-denial and sacrifice. I would encourage you to pray about what sacrifices God is asking you to make on your fast and if herbal tea is one of them.
Thank you for replying. I got your book on Kindle, so I have had a chance to read some of it. I understand the reason of restricting teas based upon Daniel’s example, but then my mind does get focused on other allowable “drinks” like fruit/vegetable juices and smoothies.
I usually have coffee with cream in the morning and rarely drink herbal tea, so not drinking it is not really an issue. It is just something hot to drink when trying to warm up.
After commenting this morning and praying, I am struggling with the foods to give up, because I don’t feel like I would be honoring God with the fast if I eat a lot of the things in your book, like an oatmeal raisin cookie, snickerdoodle smoothie or tortilla chips w/black bean salsa. Also, I struggled with eating disorders for decades (anorexia and bulimia) and fasting puts me in a very difficult place. I even gave up my career in nutrition (as a dietitian) because of my eating disorder, but like Michelle in your book, I know it is time to trust God to heal me from my bondage to food.
Elaine, thanks so much for sharing. For someone who regularly drinks coffee, drinking herbal tea is definitely a sacrifice. For someone like me who doesn’t drink coffee but enjoys herbal tea, giving up the tea on the Daniel Fast is a sacrifice. So, you see, that’s why some things aren’t black and white. Fasting is a personal issue in that respect because we all don’t share the same convictions. I encourage you to be sensitive to what God wants YOU to do. I believe He will make it clear. 🙂
The Daniel Fast way of eating is extremely healthy, and we honor God when we take care of our bodies by eating nutritious foods. When you eliminate sugar, caffeine, dairy products, and meat, you ARE sacrificing (unless you never have those foods on a regular basis). The Lord sees your heart and your desire to live in obedience.
Yes, 2016 is your year of victory! God has already set you free. Now is the time to live out that freedom!
– “It is for freedom that Christ has set us free” (Gal. 5:1).
– “I will walk in freedom, for I have devoted myself to your commandments” (Ps. 119:45).
May God fill you with His power this year as you trust in Him!
Looking forward to what God has to show and teach me through this time, seeking His direction in each area of life!!!
My husband, daughter and I followed your fast last year. This year it will be me and my husband since our daughter is away at college. We are facing some medical issues, and are seeking financial freedom, as well as I am looking at a career change which requires me to complete my degree (I’m 53 and haven’t been in school for 32 years, save for a class here or there). I really appreciate your sacrifice in leading us in these fasts, prayer and body/soul/mind conditioning. Thanks Kristen!!
Hi, Kelly! I’m so glad you and your husband are back! 🙂 May the Lord give you supernatural wisdom on this fast as you seek His direction. Thank you for your comments and kind words. You blessed me today!
Last year we followed your stories about Georgia, and we could relate because we had our own “Georgia” living across the street from us. Her only living relatives put her in a home this past summer. My daughter and I were at her house every Friday night to watch Undercover Boss and eat pizza. We all really looked forward to Friday. And we took her for yogurt on Sundays. When we took her to Culver’s for a 2nd time she said “I don’t think I’ve ever been here before. This is nice”, I took out my phone and showed her pictures of that 1st time we ever took her there. She has dementia and things went downhill fast. We miss her so much. Our daughter would cry reading your stories – it reminded her of Bea.
Thanks for your message, Kelly. Aren’t we so blessed that God allowed such a special friend in our lives, if only for a season? Miss Georgia passed away on 5-5-15, and sometimes I still can’t believe she’s gone. But I have memories of her. I have the coat she gave me. I have a part of her in my heart, just as you do with Bea. I know God is very pleased with you and your daughter for showing Bea His love.
Thank you soooooo much for this great resource to use during the Daniel fast. It is very helpful and encouraging. Thank you for all the time and effort you have placed into this website.
You’re welcome, Dee! Thanks for your encouragement.
Is there anything special that dietetics should or shouldn’t eat during the fast
Hi, William! Good question. The Daniel Fast is an extremely healthy way of eating, and many people with diabetes have done the fast with success. As far as a specific food list for diabetics, I don’t give one because each person is different. I would recommend staying away from foods that are problematic for you and spike your blood sugar levels.
can you eat hard boiled eggs?
Unfortunately, no. Animal products aren’t allowed on the Daniel Fast.
Hi Kristen,
I am looking for page 33 on the study questions you’ve sent for this first week. Can you please tell me where I can find page 33? Thank yiu
Liz, page 33 refers to the beginning of part 2 in The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. It’s the introduction to the daily devotions.
Hi Kristen, I will be doing the Daniel Fast for the first time and am really looking forward to drawing closer to God and to some of His revelations of my life and purpose. I do have a question, I was wondering if a supplemental colon cleanse during this time would be OK to do. They’re all natural herbal products. Thank you for this site and your support.
Hi, Rose! Welcome! 🙂 Have you ever done a colon cleanse? If you have, you might be fine to add that to your fast. If you haven’t, you might want to wait to see how your body adjusts the first week. A colon cleanse can cause cramping, and you certainly don’t want to add that on top of any physical side effects from the fast. Let me know if you have any other questions or concerns. I’m thankful you’re on board this year!
Hi Kristen. I’m looking forward to the Daniel fast this year and it’s going to be my second time this year and I ask for ur prayers. I ask God to give me Faith that can move mountains and remain at JESUS feet at all times.
Lord God, I pray you will strengthen khossy and fill her (I’m assuming here, so correct me if I’m wrong!) with your power and peace. May she have full confidence in you and in your promises. Give her wisdom to know how to pray according to your plans for her life. Thank you for providing everything she needs to be successful on this fast. In Jesus’ name, AMEN!
Is strawberry whey protein added to smoothies allowed on the fast?
Whey protein isn’t allowed. No animal products are a part of the Daniel Fast. But you can use plant protein powder. Just read the label carefully to make sure it doesn’t contain added sugar or any other restricted ingredients.
Hello, this will be my second time doing this I did it 2 years ago and skipped doing it last year because I got very, very sick in and out of the hospital with lung problems, pleurisy and they couldn’t find out what was wrong, after over a year they have diagnosed me with Lupus so I’m kind of skeptic on can I? Will I be able to do it… I pray I will have no problems doing it..
Sandra, I’m glad you’re back! Yes, you CAN do it. “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:13). You might want to talk a look at my recent blog post, “How to Prepare for the Daniel Fast.” Perhaps it will help you get ready! May God fill you with His power and peace as you seek Him in 2016!
This will be my first time doing the Daniel Fast. I hope and pray that God will direct me in the right path.
Great! Yes, you can be sure God will direct you as you seek Him. “Seek his will in all you do, and he will show you which path to take” (Prov. 3:6 NLT).
Happy New Year and thank you for this fight. I have done this fast several years ago and I never felt so close to God as I did then. Over the years I have to admit, my fire has been burning low. My prayer during this years fast is to get my fire back and stronger than ever. I am looking forward to this fight and we will all be victorious in the end , FIGHT, FIGHT, FIGHT, with God all things are possible.
Amen! You can do it! “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:13). May God fill you with His power and peace as you fight the good fight!
I am starting the insanity workout with my group of ladies and im also still nursing my son. Having enough calories and protein is so vital for me. Will this fast be sustainable enough? Also, can i have sweet potatoes? Protein,carbs, and it is important for me when it comes to nursing my son and working out with hitt training!
Hi, Ashley! Yes, you will definitely want to eat frequently to keep your energy level and blood sugar stable. This fast can definitely provide the nutrient intake you need. Yes, you can have sweet potatoes! In fact, I highly recommend them. 🙂
Thanks for your response! I will keep in touch!
I am so excited for this new beginning, this change in my life. I’ve never done this before. For the past four months I’ve had a hunger to know who God is and who I am in in Him. I cant wait for what God will reveal to me. I cant wait to be the new person He is making of me. Happy new year!
Hi, Jessica! I’m thrilled to hear you desire to know God in a deeper way. “Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, for they will be filled” (Matt. 5:6). Prepare to be overwhelmed by God’s goodness in 2016! 🙂 And, Happy New Year to you as well!
Thank you so much for me he opportunity to join others on this fast . I’m looking for change and deeper relationship with God. My only concern is what to eat for breakfast for 21-days
Hi, Velma! I’m glad you’re joining the January 2016 Ultimate Daniel Fast. Yes, breakfast can be tricky for some people. Here are a few ideas to get you started: http://www.ultimatedanielfast.com/recipes/breakfast-dishes/.
Hi Kristen
I tried it last year but did not complete the 21 days.
Going to do it again and Fight to the end.
You can do it, Marie! “I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength” (Phil. 4:13). I’m so glad you’re back again this year, refusing to give up the FIGHT!
Grace Baptist Church in Stockbridge, GA will begin the Daniel Fast January 1 to January 7, 2016. I will continue with the fast for the 21 suggested days.
That’s wonderful! I’m so glad to hear it! 🙂
Grace and wisdom, Kristen!
I thank God for your website!!! What an awesome help in pleasing God even more! This is my 2nd time finding your website for help and what a help it is!! Yes, let’s get on with the FIGHT!! Souls are in the balance! Proverbs 11:30 says ‘He who wins souls is wise’. Oh, God, make us wise in Your eyes! Let’s get SERIOUS!! May God be glorified!! God bless you!!!
Thanks so much for your encouraging message, Marilyn! You blessed me so!
Kristen I know it was God that led me to your website. God has really been dealing with me for a while regarding my spiritual growth. Sometimes we get so comfortable in doing just enough to get by in our Christian walk. God is calls us to a higher place in the kingdom and this opportunity to fast is just what I needed to propel me to the level that I’ve resisted. The FIGHT has been intense but God is only allowing what’s need to relieve me of this place of comfort/mediocrity. May God bless you and your ministry!
I thank God He led you my website, and I’m glad you’ll be joining the fast. May the Lord fill you with His power and peace as you trust in Him!
Hello may you please post a list of all restrictions in specific?Thanks alot.
Here you go! http://www.ultimatedanielfast.com/ultimate-daniel-fast-food-guidelines/
Thank you for the tips!! This will be my first corporate fast after an attempt during Lent last year. Looking forward.
You’re welcome! So glad you’re joining the FIGHT!
I am concidering doing this fast. I had a co-worker that did this last year. But first I would like to know what the cost is to register.
Hi, Rosemary! I’m glad you’re interested in joining the January 2016 Ultimate Daniel Fast. There isn’t a cost to register! It’s free. 🙂
I’ve never done a fast before. A few members of my church suggested I do this fast since I struggle with Biplor Depression. I’m seriously looking forward to doing this fast with them. I no longer want anything or anyone , but God to control my life. So thank you for the step by step information.
I’m so thankful you’re stepping out in faith and not being held back by fear. I pray that God fills you with His power and peace as you seek Him during your fast!
I have never done a full Daniels fast before. I am really excited to start and complete the full 21 days. This is very helpful. Thank you and God bless.
I’m so glad you’re interested in joining the January 2016 Ultimate Daniel Fast! May God fill you with His power and peace as you trust in Him. He will give you the strength you need to finish strong.
Rayette, if I may add a quick note
As Kristen adds in her book, the benefits of what a fast does, and she also speaks on Jehoshaphat in (2 Chron20:1-4) who stood in the congregation of Judah and Jerusalem, in the house of the Lord, and cried out for deliverance. I believe and I pray the same can happen for you and any of us. Jehoshaphat was filled with fear, but he trusted the Lord. I have learned during this fast to praise and worship Him, before any of my petitions. He already knows what they are. I pray as you worship the Lord and cry out, God will deliver you and heal you from this fear. God will begin to speak to you as how to proceed with the fast. He is faithful
I have never done this type of fast before and like most of them exercise is not recommended.
I was wondering how exercise is effected while doing the Daniel fast? Is it recommended or discouraged and to what extent?
Thank you
Hi, Katie! Actually, I do recommend exercise on the fast. The intensity will totally depend upon your current level of physical activity and how your body reacts to the fast. Exercise will help with digestion and energy. So just do what you can. If you can do a little every day, that’s great! If not, aim for 3-4 times each week.
That’s great to hear Kristen! I appreciate it a lot! I am excited to start! All of your information has been very helpful and encouraging!
You’re welcome! 🙂