Kristen Feola is a well-known Christian author and speaker who helps people grow stronger in the Lord. Kristen’s first book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast, was released in December 2010 and was among the Top 50 Christian bestsellers in February 2011. Her book continues to encourage individuals, small groups, and churches all around the world. Each January, Kristen also leads an online Daniel Fast through her website. Thousands of believers begin the New Year with Kristen through this unique fasting opportunity.
Spiritually Strong: The Ultimate 6-Week Guide to Building Your Body and Soul, Kristen’s second book, was released in January 2015 and helps believers get in better shape physically and spiritually. It includes a 6-week Bible study and workout plan that trains men and women to build “spiritual muscle” through the practice of daily disciplines.
Kristen’s latest release is Lift Up Your Voice: 21 Daily Devotions for Your Daniel Fast. This popular eBook explores how King Jehoshaphat and his people responded to their troublesome trial and how the Lord provided as they sought him wholeheartedly. Each devotion begins with a personal experience from Kristen’s life, which is then related to the day’s assigned Bible reading. It’s a wonderful resource for your Daniel Fast or for any time you want to draw closer to the Lord through studying His Word.
Kristen’s writing has been featured in a number of Christian publications. She has also appeared on various television and radio shows, including 700 Club Interactive, Atlanta Live, and Babbie’s House. Kristen is frequently a guest speaker at church services, Bible study groups, ministry events, retreats, and conferences.
How I Started Writing
As a child, I dreamed of being an author. Although I’ve penned a fair share of poems, college papers, letters, and journal entries over the years, I didn’t envision my writing being anything more than a hobby. However, God had other plans!
In 2009, a case of severe shin splints forced me to exchange the time I would have spent exercising for time in front of the computer. Although it was difficult not to be able to ride my bike, work out at the gym, or even walk without pain, I recognized that my injury was not random. Nor was it just a coincidence. I knew that the Lord had allowed it for a reason.
At about the same time, my pastor announced that the leadership team at our church was participating in a Daniel Fast to pray for the launch of our second campus. Early in the morning on day one of the Daniel Fast in August 2009, I started a blog, thinking it would be fun to write about my experience. I never planned for the blog to be anything more than a personal record of my 21-day journey. While cooking Marinated Zucchini that night for dinner, I thought, “This would be a great recipe for people doing the Daniel Fast.” I mentioned the idea to my husband, and he suggested that I post recipes for people in our church. I began putting new recipes on the blog every day, many of them from a cookbook I had written years earlier but never had published (more on that story in my book).
As I saw how people were helped by the information on the blog, I gained perspective on my physical situation and understood why God had allowed me to be injured. The Lord had interrupted my busy schedule for a specific purpose. The physical affliction was His way of slowing me down so I could hear His voice. Otherwise, I never would have stopped long enough to listen to what He had to say. I also would have missed out on what the Lord had for me to do – share God’s invitation for His children to seek Him through prayer and fasting.
That initial act of obedience – my first blog entry – was the catalyst for a series of miraculous events that resulted in a book contract with one of the largest Christian publishers in the world. God, in his mercy, has graciously given me the unique opportunity to share about the power of prayer and fasting with people all over the world.
My Family
I’ve been married to Justin for 20 years, and we have two daughters, Isabelle and Jocelyn. We also have an adorable Border Beagle named Boulder.
Justin and I met on a mission trip to New Zealand in 1994. We often joke about how it’s hard to beat falling in love in such a beautiful place! If you’ve ever traveled there, you know what I mean. Justin and I became friends immediately. I was attracted to his sense of humor and love for the Lord (not to mention his good looks!). I thought it was neat that he played hockey and was from New York City. Although Justin and I had very different backgrounds and upbringing, we shared many of the same interests. Still do.
We love being outdoors. Many of our family outings revolve around activities, such as rock climbing, cycling, hiking, and/or camping. My ideal vacation would include all of them! (Ok, maybe not the camping part. I’d much rather be in a cozy bed than on a partially inflated air mattress!)
I’m very thankful God allows me to be a wife and mother. The Lord has graciously given me a loving, supportive husband and entrusted us with two beautiful children. Sometimes I can’t believe how blessed I am!
My Heart
My greatest desire is to honor the Lord with my life. But, often I fall short. Some days I totally blow it. Thankfully, our God is full of mercy and grace. He picks me up, holds me close, and reminds me how precious I am.
God wants all of us to know him in such a way. That’s precisely why I do what I do. Through my writing, I hope to inspire you to pursue God. I want you to understand more about who God is and how deeply he loves you.
I pray you’re strengthened and encouraged by the resources on this website. May the Lord bless you in every way as you seek him!

Thank you for the recipes and your uplifting words. God has truly touched my heart, and it is vital for me to follow His will for my life. As I embark on Day 5 of the Daniel Fast, I am seeking a renewal of my mind and spirit in the New Year. I am deeply grateful for this opportunity to transform my thinking and eating habits.
Hi, Natalie! Thanks for your comments. I’m so glad that you’re already seeing God at work in your life as you fast and pray. May he indeed renew you–mind, body, and soul–this year!
I’m new here! I heard about The Daniel Fast randomly while scrolling through vegan recipes. While researching more about the spiritual understanding of the diet – your website popped up. 🙂
Grateful for your hardwork and for the easy to follow recipes.
Hi, Jen! Thanks for your feedback. I appreciate it!
I was hoping to find the exercise you recommended in your book about The Core because my phone does not allow me to go to your website for some reason. Hope you can help me out. I definitely think I need to work on my physical core like I do my spiritual core.
Hi, Vanessa! Thanks for your comment and for purchasing my book, Spiritually Strong. Here is the link to the videos. Let me know if you need anything else.
Hello, Kristen. Thank you for allowing the Lord to use you to help so many of us with the Daniels Fast! I wanted to ask which store brought tortilla chips can I purchase from the store? Thanks for your help!
Hi, Luciana. Baked tortilla chips are OK to have on the fast (as long as all ingredients are fast friendly).
Do you have the recipe to make flatbread pizza crust? Whole wheat, water, and EVOO only.
You can use this recipe for crust: Flatbread.
Hi I am on new journey for ash fasting so I am deaf and want to know if it is okay to have smart water bottles with flavor without no sugar add??
Hi! Thanks for your question. Yes, Smart Water should be fine.
May I eat Whole wheat things during the Daniel fast?
Hi, Milca! Yes, you can have whole-grain products, which does include whole wheat, provided that all the ingredients are Daniel Fast friendly. See the Daniel Fast Food List and FAQs for more information.
Hi I know it is okay to have whole grains bread and whole wheat but there is a yeast ingredient so it hard to find without yeast??
Hi. Yes, any bread on the fast should be unleavened. It’s work, but you can make your own. See Flatbread recipe.
Im so happy to join the Daniel fast this year! Looking forward to all God has for me and getting to know Him more!
Hi, Alice! I’m so glad you’re ready for another fast!
I would like to join 2023 Daniel fast.
Wonderful! I’m so glad to hear it. If you haven’t found the resources yet, you can access them here: January 2023 Daniel Fast. May God bless you abundantly as you seek him in 2023!
Hi Mdm Kristen, may I check if fructose and chia seeds in the vegetarian nutrition drink that I consume during Daniel fasting is acceptable? Thank you.
Hi, Nan! I apologize for the delay in answering. For some reason, I didn’t get a notification of your question. All fruit is allowed, but added sugar isn’t part of the fast. It sounds like the fructose is added to the drink, but since it’s fruit sugar, that’s tricky. In my opinion, whether or not you consume the drink is a personal decision. 🙂 I think it could go either way, as long as the other ingredients are Daniel Fast friendly. Great question!
Hi! In the “Baked Oatmeal” my wife is wondering what can substitute the almond milk.
You could use any type of non-dairy milk. I haven’t tried the recipe with water, but you could use it as well.
Just wondering if whole wheat tostitos would be allowed? The ingredients look like they fit the guidelines, but I couldn’t find on the packaging if they are baked or deep fried.
Hi, Carissa! Great question. Unfortunately, they’re not Daniel Fast friendly because they contain sugar and are fried: Corn, Vegetable Oil (Corn, Canola, and/or Sunflower Oil), Whole Brown Rice Flour, Whole Buckwheat Flour, Sugar, Toasted Corn Germ, Salt, Oregano Extract (Antioxidant). However, Baked Tostitos are allowed.
GOD bless you Kristen, Can’t wait to share my testimony. I just want to ask if I am allowed to add lemons with my water intake and can a provita be considered as a snack?
Hi, Amanda! Yes, water with lemon is a great choice. As far as Provita, I looked it up on line. While it’s a whole-grain food, the ingredients list I saw does contain sugar, so it’s not Daniel Fast friendly. Sorry1
kristen, mighty woman of God!! your testimony is powerful. the way God set this whole thing up! just in awe as i type this out. I love what your sacrificing for the Lord and bringing thousands of people together for corporate fasting as well as individual covenants with king Jesus. just wanted to let you know that I appreciate this blog! will definitely share this page with the church I am apart of. as we go on a corporate/individual fast, this will help all of us. I also want to invite you to service tonight and tomorrow at 19:30 PM. SA, TX. you can tune in on Facebook live…. XTREME HARVEST CHURCH. again, thank you for this blog!
Thank you so much for your kind words and feedback. Yes, please do share the information with your church. May God bless you abundantly in 2022 as you seek him!
Can I use psyllium husk?
Yes, it’s fine to have.
Hi Kristen, thank you so much for the book, the website and the facebook group. Just a concern from me. I know you said no coffee but my energy levels are quite low due to my baby who still does not sleep through the night and I have to be at work. I am not at all addicted to coffee, in fact I hate coffee, I only drink it to keep me up. I will add some milk just to make the taste more bearable. Is it ok for me to have 1 cup solely for this purpose?
Hi! Your question is a good one. The fast guidelines are given to help people set boundaries for their fast. Of course, you’re free to modify. The decision whether or not to have coffee is a personal one, a matter that’s between you and the Lord. He knows the details of your situation, so I encourage you to pray about it. I believe God will give you insight into what you should do.
Hi thank you so much for writing this book, you have helped me a lot and may God continue to use you, God bless you 🙏
Thank you for your feedback. I’m so glad you’re being blessed by my book. 🙂
On the 10th I’m starting my Daniel fast till the 30th so I’m well eguiped by your book and this time all my fastings will produce a good results and I love the Daniel fast thank you once again for the Revelation behind this fasting, remain blessed and your family 🙏
Thank you for your commitment to prayer and fasting (and for your kind words). May God bless you abundantly in 2022 as you seek him!
Amen 🙏🙏
I made the Italian dressing from the recipe I found here and refrigerated it. The old hardened to a solid. Is it supposed to be unrefrigerated?
It can be refrigerated, yes, but it doesn’t have to be. If you do refrigerate, you’ll need to let it sit at room temperature for a little while to soften.
I was wondering on your black bean soup. I know this is for Daniel Fast and my 8 yo and i love it. We add extra beans such as pinto beans, corn and fire roasted tomatoes as well. I was wondering the carbs, calories, etc. I need to do keto for awhile and I know the only bean they allow is green beans..
Hi! I’m glad you like the soup. I’m not sure about the nutrition facts, but you can use a free online tool to calculate the information you need.
Hi, I’m really interested in doing the Daniel Fast but have only recently got to know and read about it, therefore I didn’t have time to do presentation so my question is can the dates be altered?
For example I start on the 10th January 2022 to the 30th?
Hi! Yes, you can definitely start the fast at a later date. All of the resources will be posted on my website throughout the year for people to use. May God bless you abundantly as you seek him in 2022!
Hi! Can you use vanilla or vanilla powder during Daniel Fast? If so, do you have any recipes? Thanks
Great question, Marci. Yes, you can use alcohol-free vanilla extract, vanilla bean, or vanilla powder. Feel free to add to any dessert recipe!
Hi Kristen, I need to know how to pray and the type of words I use when I pray, i need to be in the presence of God so bad, please guide me.
Hi, Kelly! The most effective way to pray is to use God’s Word–to pray Scriptures from the Bible: “For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart” (Heb. 4:12). The might help get you started. Another resource that might guide you is “The ABCs of Praise” blog post. But, mostly, God just wants you to share your heart–to talk to him honestly.
Hi Kristen. What types of butter can you eat on the fast? Is plant butter allowed? It was on the shelf at the grocery store?
Hi. Some people may choose to use plant-based butter on the fast (see #7 under “Food” on my FAQs page).
You posted a reply to a comment about coffee. It mentioned using warm unsweetened almond milk, apple juice and cinnamon to make a “hot drink” instead of coffee. Do you have a recipe for that?
Not yet. I keep thinking I’ll post it, but I haven’t. I would probably use 1/4 cup of apple juice for 6-8oz of unsweetened almond milk and 1/4 tsp cinnamon. That’s just a guess, but it could be a good starting point. Then, you can adjust measurements to your liking. 🙂
How many meals per day on the Daniel fast?
Hi, Robert! On the fast, there isn’t a set schedule for eating or praying. See #14 under “Food” on my FAQs page.
I’m truly and gratefully inspired by your story. I thank you and I thank God for your love and your obedience to Him to whom we live move and have our being!
Thank you so much, Rachelle! I appreciate your encouragement. 🙂
Hi Kristen, just completed my first 21 day Daniel Fast. Thank you for your lovely site. I really found everything I needed to cope. Great recipes, lovely motivational pieces. I did not have to worry about going to any other sites. I also grew closer to God and that ultimately what the fast is about. God bless. Hennie Strydom Johannesburg South Africa
That’s wonderful, Hennie! Congratulations on completing your first Daniel Fast! I appreciate your kind comments about the website. Thank you! Also, if you’re up for another fast in a few months, I’ll be leading my online January Daniel Fast for the first three weeks of the year. I’d love for you to join!
Is there anyway to get a reminder?
Yes! The best thing you can do is sign up for my newsletter. I’ll send details about the fast in November. You can subscribe here: Sign Up for Newsletter.
Hello, I just came across your website and very excited. I began a Daniel Fast today for 21 days. Your website is such a great guide and tool. Looking over some of the recipes. The baked Apples, Strawberry Fields Smoothie and Banana Milk to start.
Thank you and have a blessed day!
Hi, Felicia! Thanks for your feedback. 🙂 I’m so glad to hear you’re on the Daniel Fast journey and pray that you see God work in mighty ways over the next three weeks!
It’s a Daniel eating plan not a fast…
Tu libro nos ha ayudado mucho a mí y mi esposa para iniciar el ayuno de 21 días al que nos convocó la iglesia, y nos ha dado muchas ideas prácticas de lo que podemos comer, y sobre todo la actitud y acciones que conllevan a realizarlo como bíblicamente es, te agradecemos mucho.
Que Dios te siga dando entendimiento y sabiduría para muchas más en Su Reino.
Un saludo desde Yucatán, México (Iglesia Punto de Vida)
¡Muchas gracias! Me alegra que mi libro haya sido una bendición para ti. ¡Aprecio tus comentarios y rezo para que Dios te bendiga abundantemente en 2020!
Hi, thank you so much for your receipes. I was wondering how many calories the taco salad was?
Hi, Samantha! The nutrition information isn’t listed, but you can easily calculate it and then divide by the number of servings. I’ve included nutrition facts with my most recent recipes, but, unfortunately, that information isn’t readily available for my older dishes. Sorry about that!
Hi Kristen 😀
Is drinking mineral water allowed?
Hello Kristen,
My name is Deb and I came across your website just this evening. I do not believe it was chance of course but I am happy I did. I have been struggling with diet/food bad habits binging and whatever else you want to call it for sometime now. I have tried many things, fad diets, vegetarian, vegan and whatever else you can think of. Although, I was reminded of a time that I really felt that I conquered my bad relationship with food and that was when I did the Daniel fast almost 7 years ago. I feel as though God is calling me to a higher place with my food. I believe he is calling me to make better choices and to be more accountable with what I put in my mouth as a whole. With that being said I feel led to purchase your book the ultimate Daniel fast. I wanted to know if there is guidance on what to exactly do during the Daniel fast and if there is guidance on what to do to after the Daniel fast? I also wanted to know can I find the recipes on this blog in the book? I will also take any other guidance you might have?
Hi, Deb! I’m glad you found my website, too! God will certainly bless your desire to honor him by taking better care of your body. Thank you for purchasing my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. I pray it’s a blessing to you! Yes, the book will walk you through every step of the fast, from preparing for it to breaking it. Also, many of the recipes on my website are included in the book. Let me know if you have any other questions.
Hello. I’m new at the Daniel Fast. Doing it for Lent. I’d like to know if I can use onion and garlic powder to season my soups. Also I need to eat a lot of protein, would you suggest some foods that are high in protein that I can eat/cook during this diet? Thanks, Arvis
Hi, Arvis! Yes, you can absolutely use herbs and spices to your heart’s content! Foods high in protein are beans, legumes, quinoa, nuts, and seeds. You can also use unsweetened plant-based protein powder to supplement.
Thanks Kristen for responding so quickly. Many blessings to you.
Hi Kristen I just started the Daniel diet and wanted to know if we can have crackers on the fast.
Thank You
Hi, Dianne! Yes and no. Crackers should be baked and whole grain. You can find a few brands on the store shelves that are Daniel Fast friendly. Be sure to check the ingredients list even for the baked whole grain crackers to check for any non Daniel Fast friendly items.
Kristen, I just purchased your book. I was under the impression that salt was not allowed but I see it used in your recipes.
Hi, Martha! Thank you so much for purchasing The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. I pray it’s a blessing to you! All herbs and spices are allowed on the fast, along with salt and pepper. You will find some variations online on the salt issue, so if you don’t feel comfortable using it, then don’t. But salt is allowed on the Daniel Fast for seasoning.
I had to drop you a line to let you know, I am so impressed with your recipes. The other day I made the black and white soup and today I made the black bean minestrone and they both were absolutely delicious. I have made the granola and quite a few of the juices and must say that none has disappointed me. I will use these recipes from now on. Thank you so much and may God continue to richly bless you in your ministry.
Rose, thank you so much for your feedback! I really appreciate it. I hope you continue to discover Daniel Fast recipes you enjoy. 🙂 May God bless you abundantly as you seek Him!
Hi Kristen,
May I have butternut? I’m craving for a butternut/spinach stir fry. I use olive oil and a chopped onion and green pepper with it.
Of course! All vegetables are allowed. 🙂 Enjoy! Butternut squash is one of my favorites.
Hi Kristen,
You website is so informative! Thank you!
I am about to go on the daniel fast for 21 days. Is Jaggery also known as cane sugar or palm sap concentrate permitted?
Thank you and Be Blessed.
Hi, Donna! Thanks for your kind words. I’m glad you’re getting geared up for the Daniel Fast! If you’d like daily support, be sure to check out the information on receiving emails/videos (go to the right sidebar on my home page). Unfortunately, no added sugar is allowed on the Daniel Fast.
Hi can you eat whole wheat wraps on the fast
Hi! You can have whole wheat wraps as long as they don’t contain ingredients that aren’t allowed on the fast. Read the label to be sure! 🙂
Hello Kristen,
First, I want to say thank you for being obedient to God’s plan. As you may know, Nothing just happens. Although it was just a hobby for you, it was God’s plan all along. May God continue to bless you while you continue to bless us. I just started my journey feb.4th 2019. I went through your recipes and I thought everything look good but being that I used to eat so much junk food, I was a little skeptical about it tasting good. I was a Pepsi and Funyuns all day kind of lady. Day 1 I made the lentil meatballs and they were really good. I was really surprised because those little green balls look like a ball of grass but taste so good. Day 2 I made the Hot cereal with rice, fruit and nuts(the first picture under breakfast).Once again I thought there’s no sugar being added to this and I love sugar I hope that it tastes good. I got a spoonful and said wooooow this is so freaking good. I said thats it im calling my new best friend Kristen…… 😁
Thanks again for your website and all that you do.
May Gob bless you and keep you!
Hi, Joy! Thanks so much for your comments! I’m glad to hear your taste buds are changing! 🙂 Good for you for trying new foods. Have you made the Banana Bread yet? That’s one of my new favorite recipes. I really appreciate your kind words and enthusiasm. May God bless you abundantly as you seek him through prayer and fasting!
I will be making the banana bread tomorrow. I am super excited! Thanks for being so quick to reply to OUR comments. You are on point!!
Good! I hope you like it as much as I do. 🙂 And you’re welcome!
Hello Mrs Kristen. Is it too late to do a Daniel Fast? I didn’t have the money to buy stuff the first of the year. but this is what I need to do. I need God in my life. I need to know what he has for me to do. I want to know God more and do his will. I need him.
Hi, Diane! It’s NEVER too late to do a Daniel Fast! Even though I hold the online fast every year in January, you can do the fast any time. In fact, many people started the fast later than I did and are on it right now. So, see? You’re not alone! Also, you can benefit from the daily emails and videos I sent out in January. It’s only $5 to subscribe to this resource, which will keep you on track. Just go to the HOME page of my website, and you’ll see the link on the right sidebar.
Our Church ladies have started the Daniel Fast, day#2. I have been looking through your recipes, very inspiring. I didn’t see any way to post a comment or question on the recipe pages, then I found this. I was wondering if oat flour (home grind) can be used in place of wheat flour? I was looking at the flat bread recipe. If so, do you know how much oats it takes to make a cup of flour?
I really want to try some of the tahini recipes too. However, still haven’t been able to get any. After going to 3 stores, I finally found one that carries it, but they were out. Since it’s several miles from where I live, it may be a while lol. I even tried to find the sesame seeds to make my own, but not found in my small rural area. I hope the store bought tahini is acceptable.
Thank you for all the time and effort you have put into this site.
Hi, Naomi! I changed the setting so you should be able to post on all pages, now. 🙂 Yes, oat flour can be used in place of whole wheat flour. If my memory serves me correctly, I believe it takes a little over a cup of regular oats to make oat flour. But I’m not 100% positive on the amount (it has been awhile since I’ve made it). Also, store-bought tahini is perfectly fine!
I just completed the 21 day fast with my church this week. I really feel the difference in me and my relationship with God. The day before I started the Daniel Fast I was filled with fear and anxiety that I have been fighting all my life. So heres the thing that made me know God was listening, I was selling my car so you clean it out I took everything out checked under the seats everywhere. But the night before I sold it my adult child went out to the car to make sure everything was out. He said he found a cd do I want it. It was the Joyce Meyer cd Spirit of Fear Wow I thought that was a message from God. During the fast I listened to it along with my other devotionals and watched my anxiety decline. What a relief! On the last day of the fast 3 scriptures showed up in my devotional. (Romans8:5, psalm56:3-4, & Deuteronomy31:6) these felt like God telling me that I could trade fear for courage and live my life. I heard this message many times before, but this time it really sunk in that God is always with me through good and bad. AMEN !!!! This is the second time I used your book Ultimate Daniel Fast for a fast. I recommend highly to anyone who starting to fast.
Heide, thank you so much for sharing how the Lord has been working in your life! I’m glad you didn’t let fear keep you from experiencing the blessings of the Daniel Fast. May God continue to fill you with his power and peace as you seek him! 🙂 Also, thank you for the recommendation on my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. I appreciate it!
Hello Kristen,
I logged on to your site to consider doing the fast. Not ready yet! However when I am ready you have definitely created a site that will be my guide and help. I have one question at this time. I am starting out in a mimstry of public speaking about how the Bible gives us permission to accept the positive greatness that God has placed in us through positive thinking. I have tried in vain and spent a bit of money to find a web host that can give me all of the enhanced design and quality I see on your site. Could you please bless me with the name of your web host. You have no idea what this would do for my ministry. I don’t expect this comment to appear public on your on your site. I would appreciate a response in my email at your convenience. Thank you.
Hi, Sherri! I’m glad to hear you’re thinking about the fast. I encourage you to take that step of faith and go for it! God will definitely help you! Thank you, too, for your encouragement about my website. I started with a theme and then customized the layout myself. My recommendation to you is to search possible themes to find one that fits the style you want.
The picture for wild rice another type of rice in addition to the wild rice but it is not listed in the ingredients. Could you tell me which type of rice I should use and how much to use?
Hi, Kim! I’d be happy to help if you can be more specific. I’m not sure which recipe you’re referring to. Thanks!
Hi Kristen,
I’ve been reading your book Spiritually Strong. So good! Just finished the chapter section on daily Bible reading. Also very good! “First look, then do, then remember to do it again!”. A perfect reminder. Thanks so much for your obedience in writing and publishing this book. Blessings!
Hi, Beth! Thank you so much for your kind words and encouragement! I’m glad you’re enjoying Spiritually Strong. It was so much fun for me to write! 🙂
I have wheat allergies, not a fan of arrowroot so wondering how to make unleavened bread ?
Hi! You can probably Google flatbread without wheat and yeast to find some recipes. I’m sorry I don’t have one for you!
Hi Kristen
Thanks so much for all the valuable info that you share with all of us. I ‘m currently on day 3 of my first Daniel Fast ever. It’s going wel so far, but unfortunately today I accidentally poured some Habanero Tobasco sause over my potatoes. It was only a few drops because the sauce is very strong, but when I read the ingredients on the bottle, I saw that it contains things like suger, vinegar, etc. Does this mean that I have to start my fast over again?
Hi, Bernard! No need to start over. Just get back on track. 🙂 It’s OK. God knows your heart and that you didn’t intentionally cheat. I guess you’ll just have to use habanero peppers instead of sauce! 🙂
Thanks Kristen
I still feel a bit guilty, because after I added the few drops of Tobasco to the potatoes I quickly looked at the bottle and saw the ingredients, but I thought tthat the few drops was so little and I really did not want to waste the mashed potatoes. So you are correct that I did not plan to cheat, but still after I saw my mistake I just felt too bad too throw food away! Am I still o.k. to go on?
Of course! Keep going strong!
Thanks so much for your encouragement!
You’re welcome!
Kristen, can you recommend a food processor. I don’t have one and want to get one that does all the right things at the best price. We are new to your web site this fast and have enjoyed many of the recipes on there. Thank you!!
Hi! Sure! I use a Cuisinart and have for 20 years. They don’t even sell the model I have it’s so old! 🙂 But this one is very similar: https://www.amazon.com/Cuisinart-DLC-10SY-Classic-7-Cup-Processor/dp/B01AXM4SB6. I like the fact that it has various blades. Mostly, I use the one for slicing and shredding. I’m sure there are other great brands out there, but Cuisinart has been extremely durable for me.
I was going over the list of things you can have. Can you have unsweetened tea if you don’t add any sugars Coffee as well?
Hi, Jenifer! Thanks for your question. Caffeine isn’t a part of the Daniel Fast, so any products that contain caffeine (such as tea and coffee) aren’t allowed.