It was Lisa Bevere, Sheila Walsh, and me – sitting down together, having a conversation. Only I wasn’t doing any of the talking. I was listening intently, with tears running down my cheeks.
That night, I’d gone to bed early because I wasn’t feeling well. An hour after lying down, I woke up with severe stomach pain. I took a dose of Pepto Bismol, hoping it would help.
Since I couldn’t sleep, I went into the living room. I should pray, I thought. Or read my Bible. But I didn’t. Instead, I turned on the TV and watched the 10pm news.
Once the news was finished, I turned on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon.” Jimmy made me laugh, which helped me to forget about my stomach pain. After the show went to commercials, I started flipping through the channels, thinking I might find a good movie or something.
And there she was – Lisa Bevere. Looking right at Sheila Walsh on “Life Today” but talking directly to me.
“He {God} really loves to make us face what we fear because he knows that it’s going to actually position us to be fearless.”
Immediately, my eyes welled up. I knew God wanted me to hear this message. My stomach pain wasn’t random.
Lisa went on to say, “I think there are people out there right now that they’ve been going through hardship….”
Yes. That’s me.
“And they’re looking at their past to figure out what’s going on and it’s not about their past, it is about their future.”
Lisa began talking about destiny and how we can’t live out God’s plans for us if we pray small, safe prayers or live small, safe lives. And then she said four words that are still emblazoned on my heart: “Struggle can be strengthening.”
For the past year, I’ve been in a spiritual wilderness. Never have I experienced such an arduous season of emptiness, dryness, and hopelessness.
Satan has successfully trampled on me. Beat me down. Fed me lie after lie that I’ve willingly believed. Filled my mind with fear.
Fear has been a problem for me since childhood. I’m not sure where it took root, but, from a young age. I thought I had to be perfect. I believed that if I lived by God’s rules, I would somehow earn His love. That by doing good I was good.
Even though I know that isn’t true, I sometimes default to that line of thinking. But God – my gracious, tender-hearted Father – wants me to accept His unfailing love. A love that isn’t conditional on how well I write, how many books I sell, how patiently I parent, or how fit (or unfit) my body is.
More than anything, I want to fulfill God’s plans for my life. I don’t my failures, insecurities, or fears to hold me back from all the Lord has for me.
Today I choose to believe God so I can move forward in His purposes.
Today I receive God’s healing from past hurts and present fears.
Today I trust God to use my struggles to make me stronger in Him.
What about you? Are you with me? Are you ready to pursue your God-given destiny?
Today let’s choose to stand on God Word and expect Him to help us. Let’s say together: “I prayed to the LORD, and he answered me. He freed me from all my fears” (Ps. 34:4 NLT).
Yes I am with you. Stop walking in fear and pursue my God given destiny. God is so good to us. Thank you for sharing that scripture, I will be meditating on it.
Thanks for your comment, Terri! And, you’re welcome.
Amen! Thank you for sharing this wonderful story with me. I have been going through a difficult time with my baby brother passing almost 2 years ago. Him with 3 other men were in a tragic accident. He is the youngest of us five. I have been through a time of denial that it never happened, and not dealing with his death still. About a week ago, was my worst week. I was crying more, struggling more and just wanting to give up all together. At church on Sunday I got prayer and I immediately knew I had to make a change. I have always been close to God, but now I am even closer. I decided to do the Daniel Fast to grow even stronger and closer. I asked my family if they would like to grow closer to the Lord and better themselves. There are now a total of 12 of us total doing it as a family. We motivate each other and pray with each other. It feels good that I know that the Lord touched my heart to touch others. I just want to say your website is awesome and to please pray for me and my family. Every single day is a struggle for us all.
Shaletia, I’m so sorry to hear about your brother. I pray God will continue to strengthen and comfort you in your grief. I’m glad to hear you and your family are doing the Daniel Fast together. What a wonderful experience to share! I believe God will bring healing to your hearts through the fast. When did you start the fast? I’d like to pray for you. “Dear Lord, you promise to uphold us with your righteous right hand when we go through trials. Thank you for your faithfulness over the past two years to sustain Shaletia. You know the pain she feels and how she misses her brother. God, I ask you to fill her with your peace and comfort. Remind her through your Word of your very great and precious promises. Give her a Scripture to hold on to today. Lead her to a special one she can claim. Please be near to this family and do miracles in their lives on this fast. Thank you, Lord, for hearing our prayers and answering in your perfect timing. In Jesus’ mighty name, AMEN!”
My client recommended your website to me I’m so thankful that she did! It’s good to know the thoughts and feelings I’ve had I’m not alone on this journey. Thank you so much!! Continued Blessings
Hi, Fonda! I’m so thankful she recommended my site, too! I pray the information is encouraging and helpful. No, you’re definitely not alone. May God fill you with His power and peace as you trust in Him.
Hi Kristen. I found your blog today by way of your book. What a blessing! I had bookmarked it when searching for Daniel Fast recipes. I just finished my fast Monday. I fasted because I am seeking breakthroughs and continue to pray for prayers to be answered. But more importantly I continue to seek a closer relationship with Jesus Christ. Your late night message spoke to me because I ‘ve been praying for a vision to be fulfilled over 20 years. Yet I’m experiencing probably one of the most difficult times in my life. Because of my Saviour I can wake up each morning with a song, I sleep soundly, I pray and praise God continuously. God gives me hope but there are times I still need to be encouraged. Your site did that for me today. Thank you! May you continue to be the vessel God uses in this wonderful ministry you have created and your journey be blessed!
Thank you for your testimony, Clarissa! And, thank you for seeking the Lord through the Daniel Fast. I pray that God will continue to fill you with hope, joy, and peace as you trust in Him.
Delight yourself in the Lord, and He will give you the desires of your heart.
Am going through Daniel fasting. You have given me courage. Sometimes we feel like giving up or see results earlier after prayers. However we should go through some hardships to acquire strength. Now am praying at another level.
Hi, Mandisi! Thank you for your comments. I’m glad to hear you’re doing the Daniel Fast. Yes, sometimes we DO feel like giving up, but we must press on, trusting in the Lord to help us. That’s when we see Him work and witness His miraculous power in our lives. I pray you will continue to find strength in the Lord and in the truth of His Word. May God pour out His blessings on your life as you seek Him!
It’s nice to see that I am not alone in my struggles and battles. I too have issues that need to be dealt with. I feel like God is showing me I need to read my Bible differently. I read it like I would a book from the library. A few chapters every night and I’ve done my “duty.” But the Bible is so much more than that! I want to make it personal, like a beloved diary! I need also to stand on his word, to really believe in it! I can’t make it without Him! When Satan comes with guilt and condemnation, I don’t need to listen to him anymore! He is a liar and the father of all lies, Jesus said so.” I am free from the fear of tomorrow, I am free from the guilt of my past,” as the song says. I know that I will grow stronger towards the Lord on this fast and I will pray for everyone who is on it! Thanks for being there for all of Kristen and I thank all of you on the fast for your prayers!
Sandy, thank you so much for your comments! I confess that I often read the Bible like a regular book as well, forgetting that it has life-changing and life-giving power! So, thank YOU for the reminder. After all, it is a HOLY Bible. It’s God’s Word to us for our benefit and salvation. I’m so glad you’re participating in the fast. May the Lord strengthen you in every way today and fill you with His perfect peace!
I have been searching for what God has for me. I realized I dont have a clue where to start. I’ve been struggling in so many directions, not sure where I’m at. Thank you for your message it has been helpful. N
Hi, Sharyl! You’re very welcome. God promises to guide us when we don’t know where to turn. “I have put my trust in you. Show me the way I should go, for to you I entrust my life” (Ps. 143:8).
I had actually convinced myself that I would not participate in this particular fast because I know we have our annual collective Daniel Fast was quickly approaching with relentless speed at the beginning of the year! I believed God confirmed to my wife in a dream the night prior to the fast & Kristen your comment about we’ve probably talked ourselves out of the consecration, as being kind of the determining factors! We too, have been in a struggle for some time now without much of a tangible word or manifestation from the Lord! I have grown tremendously in my walk but I have shrunk back in my faith (confidence that Jesus will do / I know “He can” do what His Word says!) It’s been very difficult & I’ve found myself all too often listening to my circumstance more than God’s word! Thank you for your transparency, vulnerability, & humility! I can definitely identify with feeling helpless, hopeless, & desperate! God bless you Kristen! Keep doing what you do & may the Lord expedite His manifested presence & presents in your life!
Thank you so much for sharing how the Lord has been working in your life. I appreciate your comments and feedback. May the Lord strengthen you in every way as you trust in Him!
I too have been walking a very similar path. A few months ago I had “packed it all in”, given up on God, turned my back on Him, and the results were not pretty. My attitude became negative, I began cursing again, eating whatever I wanted. My kids immediately picked up on these changes and asked me what was going on. And that is when God spoke to me. If your kids notice something different, isn’t this a great opportunity to witness to them; to let them know that as a human being, when we turn our back on God it WILL affect who we are. Fortunately, God is persistent and brought me back, slowly but surely and this fast came at the perfect time for me to refocus and pray and ask Him for his ultimate guidance in my life.
Heather, thank you for sharing what the Lord has been teaching you. I’m thankful you have submitted to God and are trusting Him to help you. He is faithful, and He will give you strength, peace, hope, and joy. I pray you are overwhelmed by God’s great love for you on this fast!
Thank you so much! I’m going to prepare this evening to start the Daniel Fast. My family is under attack and I need direction from the Lord. May the Lord continue to bless you, as you continue to bless so many!
You’re welcome! I’m glad to hear you’re going to join the fast. Be sure to sign up on my website for the weekly emails. I pray this fast is life-changing for you and your family!
I missed the first day of the fast but will start tomorrow. I have so much that has been weighing heavily on my heart and mind that I can’t think straight half the time. My morning prayer life is on an oxygen tank about to take it’s last breath and it scares me. I used to fall asleep reading the bible and wake up at 4:30am every morning overly excited to read it again and I did this for four years straight. Now I barley put forth the effort to do anything that I don’t pray like I used to, fast like I used to, or read my bible like I used to. I feel like I am at war and I don’t know who the war is with. I stop paying my tithes and offering and it’s weighing me down heavily. I think it’s because I have yet to see what God has promised me come to pass, maybe a mixture of hurt, pain, frustration, discouragement, lousiness, and not knowing that what I heard was really Gods voice or satans voice. this August fast came at the right time because two years later I am still struggling with who voice did I hear.
Thanks so much for your comments and for your honesty. I’m glad you’ve decided to participate in the August 2016 Daniel Fast. It sounds like just the thing you need right now to experience revival in your heart and life. God WILL draw near to you as you come close to Him on this fast (James 4:8). You ARE at war. We all are, and our Enemy is Satan and his cohorts. That’s precisely why we must seek the Lord and pray with great urgency! Make a commitment to get back in the Word every day, even (and especially when) you don’t feel like it. Refuse to give way to your emotions, and be determined to exercise that spiritual discipline. Also, resume your tithing. By not giving God what is His, you are robbing Him. That’s what the Bible says. And, you’re living in disobedience. If you want God’s full blessing on your life, you must give what He asks. I pray you will be filled with joy as you devote yourself to knowing and growing in the Lord. May God overwhelm you with His great love these next 21 days (and beyond!).
I’ve been trying to start my Daniel Fast for quite some time now but the devil have attacked my family and I so I need the Lord to guide me right now in the right directios so that my family and I
can be whole again.
Yes, Satan will try to discourage you and keep you from pushing forward in prayer. But, you can do it. Have you started yet? Our August 2016 Daniel Fast began today, so it’s not too late!
Thanks for sharing this message. satan is a liar. He’s been busy attacking since Dec. He’s been at me with health problems from asthma, diabetes, blood clot, now thyroid problems, high blood pressure, foot swollen almost everyday, broke my tail bone on birthday, got cellitus two weeks later had surgury day after Christmas, and in june had 4 pins and two screws in last 2 disk to pelvis was not able to walk in wheelchair. But my GOD is faithful, full of mercy grace and love. I can walk now using cane but everyday it is better and better. All Glory and Praise to God.
Christine, you’re right. Satan IS a liar! I’m sorry to hear about all the health challenges you’ve faced in the past few months. But just keep trusting in the Lord. He has sustained you this far, and He won’t fail you. Not ever. His Word is true, and you can trust Him. Thank you for your comments, and I pray the Lord will strengthen you and bless you in every way.
Im signed up and doing some food prep.. I know it’s not all about the food but if I am not prepared failing becomes and option and I don’t want that.
Great! Yes, you are wise to take time to prepare. When you prepare, you don’t have to stress about meal planning during the week. This afternoon I took a few hours after church to cook, and I feel as if it was a time of worship. I had music playing and was just enjoying the quiet. I believe God loves it when we take pleasure in anything we do for Him. So I pray you will sense God’s nearness and love as you do your prep work.
Oh my goodness, what a great God we serve. Looking for the foods on the Daniel fast I came to your website and ultimately to your late night message. Just prior to this I had been praying and asking God to deliver me from the fear of man and the fear of rejection. This scripture is the one I need to stand on. Not only His promise but to throw in the devil’s face when he rises up with words of fear. Thank you so much for being willing to share your rough times. There is a “precious promise” for every problem we face. We just have to find it. Do you know how a diabetic can safely go on a total fast? Thanks again.
Patricia, thanks so much for sharing how God led you to my website when you needed to hear from Him. The Lord is so faithful. As far as the Daniel Fast, many people with diabetics have completed it successfully. You may have to steer clear of foods and recipes that spike your blood sugar. Also, you should eat frequent, smaller, well-balanced meals throughout the day to keep your blood sugar up. You can do it! God will give you wisdom and help you every step of the way. May God bless you abundantly as you continue to seek Him wholeheartedly!
Right now I am going through a serious battle because of a grave injustice against my son for the past 2 years. I try to stay strong and hopefull; to trust God but my mother feelings kick in and I cry. I’ve been fighting in the spirit for him, rebuking Satan and what he’s trying to do to my son. I know my son has been called to do a great work for God and I know God would never allow this unless it would ultimately work for my son’s good. I decided to start a fast against this injustice and to bring my son home in freedom. Not a coincidence that I found this site. Thank you.
Janet, I’m so thankful the Lord led you to this post and my website. I can relate to your frustration at the Enemy’s work in your son’s life. But, the best thing we as mothers can do is keep praying. Keep claiming God’s Word over their lives. Your prayers are not in vain. And, then we must trust. Trust that God is working as we intercede. When Satan tries to beat you down about your son’s situation, respond in praise to the Lord. That will get Satan, the old fool, running away from you!
May the Lord strengthen you and fill you with His power as you seek Him.
Wow, thank you Kristen!
I saw that same program last night at 11 p.m. It was very powerful!
I saw this fast and knew immediately I am to do it. It falls right in line with what God has been doing in my life all summer. I am being restored into something more than what I was. So with that the Lord is showing me what needs to go from my life and I am choosing to obey or disobey. Through this process I have realized that I have a strong hold in my life that is manipulating my every move and thought. It came to my mind that I needed to fast so this is perfect timing for me! I need accountability so thank you!
Wonderful, Heidi! I’m so thankful the Lord used the same late-night message I saw to guide you. He is so good and right on time. Have you signed up for the fast? If so, you will receive two emails per week (Mondays and Thursdays) for extra support and encouragement. May the Lord fill you with His power and peace as you seek Him!
Its amazing how and when God gets a message to you. I am at work and I have put the fast off for months. Simply because I feared that I wouldn’t make it thru this fast AGAIN!!! Tears are welling and I’m in awe at how He loves me to make sure I face this for success. I cant tell you how I appreciate your obedience in posting this… I thank you so very much… May He bless you greatly!!!
Kimberly, thanks so much for your comments! Yes, I love how God speaks to us when we need to hear from Him. You can do this fast! The Lord will help you! Have you signed up for my weekly emails? If you do, you’ll receive an email on Mondays and Thursdays throughout the fast, which will provide extra support and encouragement. May God overwhelm you with His great love as you seek Him!
Your late-night message has become the answer to my mid-morning questions. And you know how good our God is he’s so good that this website popped up on my phone why lie search for the Daniel Diet. Anyway I just wanted to say thank you for sharing. I too am having a difficult time at this moment but yet if I really look at the big picture I am so blessed beyond comprehension. It’s comforting to know I’m not alone in more ways than one. The devil is a liar, when things aren’t really as bad as they seem. Proverbs 3 verse 5 & 6.
Hi, Robin. Thanks for your message. I’m thankful the Lord led you to this point and to my website. No, you’re certainly not alone. First, God is with you, and He promises never to leave you nor forsake you (Deut. 31:6). Second, every believer struggles. Not one of us is perfect or has it all together! So be encouraged, my friend.
May the Lord fill you with His power and peace as you trust in Him!
Unable to sleep, I have spent all night surfing recipes, crafts, etc. It is now 7 am in Alabama and I found this link.
I don’t accept it is mere coincidence!
Since becoming a widow last year, along with the pain and trying to know God’s will in my life (at 67), I can certainly identify with your comments. I purchased a Bible study book by Priscilla Shirer, “The Armor of God,” I want to go deeper in that study; however, at the end of the first lesson I became more of a target for the enemy than ever.
I finally realized I have the same 3 choices I have always had: totally give up, stay where I am with God, or press on while looking to Him for strength and guidance! I choose the latter.
One of the things I have been led to do more is to fast!!!
Your information is a God-send!! Thank you so very much!! I will check out Daniel’s fast!
In closing, I plead the blood of Jesus over every aspect of health for you and each member of your family as well as your home and finances. The enemy CANNOT cross the bloodline of Jesus! May God keep you and your loved ones in the hollow of His hands!!
Sylvia, I’m so thankful the Lord led you to my website! He is so faithful to speak to us when we need to hear from Him. Have you signed up for the fast on my website? I also recommend getting a copy of my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. It is a wonderful resource whether it’s your first time fasting or your fifteenth. May God bless you in every way as you seek Him wholeheartedly!
You write beautifully.
Kandace, thank you so much. I am grateful for your kind words and that God allows me to write.
It’s always strengthening to know that other’s are having the same struggles as I do and to see how the Lord works to show them a path to carry them forward. Thank you for sharing.
You’re welcome. Thanks for writing! I pray God will strengthen you in every way as you seek Him.
Oh my goodness, walking through such a difficult time right now and this spoke right to my heart. Thank you.
You’re very welcome. I’m thankful the Lord led you to the post. I pray He will strengthen you in every way as you trust in Him.
all i can say is THANK YOU this came to me today and touche d me completely my email is attached i am in so much need of prayer
You’re welcome! I’m thankful the Lord led you to this post and encouraged you through it. May God continue to strengthen you and help you as you trust in Him.