If you’re thinking about participating in a Daniel Fast for the first time, you may be feeling overwhelmed, wondering if you can stick with it. Perhaps even at this moment you’re debating on whether to commit to the fast or just forget the whole idea.
Let me assure you of one thing: YOU CAN DO IT! Even if you’re doing the Daniel Fast by yourself, you’re not alone. First, God is with you to provide the strength and self-control you need. Second, I’m here as your coach to encourage you and help you succeed.
My book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast, will walk you through every step of your three-week journey, from getting ready for the fast to breaking the fast. I also recommend reading my blog post, “How to Prepare for the Daniel Fast,” for basic tips on how to get started.
The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast provides 21 thought-provoking devotionals for each day of the fast and shares more than 100 tasty, easy-to-make recipes. You’ll learn how to structure your fast so you can spend less time thinking about what to eat and more time focusing on God. You’ll also discover that “to fast” means “to feast” on the only thing that truly nourishes – God’s powerful Word.
The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast will help you:
- Create your own fasting plan, including tips on how to prepare physically and spiritually.
- Understand the history behind the Daniel Fast by looking at Daniel’s fasting experiences.
- View fasting from God’s perspective as outlined in Isaiah 58 and other related passages.
- Sense God’s voice more clearly.
- Recognize God’s work in your life so you’re ready to step out in faith when he prompts you to act.
- Apply Scripture to your everyday circumstances through the 21 daily devotions.
- Move beyond self-centered praying into powerful intercession on behalf of others.
- Organize the food portion of your fast with more than 100 recipes and a 3-week meal plan.
- Fuel your body with food that won’t leave you feeling guilty.
- Focus on God while feasting on tasty recipes and His powerful Word!
The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast will be your helpful guide and constant companion as you embark on your Daniel Fast journey. Order your copy today (available in three different languages and can be found in bookstores and online; see options below) and begin seeking the Lord through the Daniel Fast. God will be faithful to draw near to you as you draw near to Him.
[Read The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast book reviews]
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iI brought the Daniel fast book on Amazon from you and Amazon sent me a empty package so now I am out of the money I used to buy this book from your company
Hi, Karen. I’m sorry you didn’t receive what you ordered. Have you contacted Amazon directly? Usually, Amazon is really good at making things right. Unfortunately, I can’t do anything, but I do hope you’re able to get your book.
I order the Daniel fast book from you through amazon and do not recivie my book . Amazon sent me a empty package . .So I am waste my money buying this book .
Hi, Karen. I’m sorry to hear that. Were you able to get it sorted out with Amazon? Unfortunately, I don’t have any control of that, but Amazon is usually good about making things right.
How am I able to view the recipes if I purchased the book through Audible?
Hi, Angela. That’s a really great question. I did a search online, and this is what I found:
“To view recipes from a cookbook through Audible, you need to check if the audiobook comes with an accompanying PDF file, which you can access within the Audible app and view on your device; most cookbooks narrated on Audible will include a downloadable PDF with the full recipe text that you can read alongside the audio narration.”
Go to your Library.
Select a your audiobook that has an accompanying PDF.
Open the player screen.
Choose an option to view your PDF:
Select the Chapters icon.
Select the 3-dot menu at the top of player.
Select Accompanying PDF.
I’m not sure if the Audible version does have a PDF (that would have been decided by my publisher and submitted to Amazon. If you don’t see it, you can find the recipes on my website.
Yes! I found it! Followed your steps exactly. The Audible version does come with a PDF. Thank you so much.
Great! I’m so glad. Thanks for the update, Angela. 🙂
Can you use coconut palm sugar
Hi. Please see #11 under “Food” on my FAQs page.
Hiya Kristen. I’m very excited to be even thinking about starting the Daniel Fast. Please can you tell me when the next one would be? January has already started so I’d like to join next time.
Hi, Mandy! I’m so glad to hear you’re interested in doing the fast. You can start anytime, actually. All the resources are provided for you. I lead the January fast every year but don’t plan on leading another one in 2025.
Today is my first time reading on and understanding the benefits of the Daniel fast so today I start my life long journey seeking the Lord like never before. pray my strength in the Lord, I plan on buying the book
Hi! I’m so glad you found my website and to hear it has been helpful. I pray the book is a blessing to you, too!
Hi. I was thinking i would like to buy your Daniel fast recipe book for members of my church who do this fast. I was thinking about a hundred books but when i clicked on the book and saw the price, i realized i would never be able to afford that many copies. Im not saying the book wouldnt be worth that much, im just not able to afford the amount of books id like to buy. 😔😔
Hi, Kim! Thank you for your interest in my book. How wonderful that you’d like to purchase copies for your church friends! That’s so thoughtful. Perhaps you could tell your friends about the book, and then maybe they’d want to each purchase a copy. Just an idea.
So glad to have found this! Day 1 and I’m scratching my head, so useful and with Gods help it can be done!! Thanks so much ❤️
So glad you found my website, too! Yes, the Lord will help you. May God bless you abundantly as you seek him through prayer and fasting.
Hi Kristen thanks for all the info. Can you please tell me If almond milk is okay?
Unsweetened almond milk is fine to have.
I am on my third day of Daniel fast. It is my first time engaging in the 21 day fasting. Any advice on how to do it and what to eat, when?
Hi! I’m glad to hear you’re doing the Daniel Fast. Good for you! One resource that’s extremely helpful for all aspects of the fast is my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. If you don’t get it for this fast, you should invest in it for the next one.
Even though there is a food list/guidelines, everyone’s fast will look a little different, and that’s OK. Please see #14 and #15 under “Food” on my FAQs page. As far as what to eat, you can find 100+ recipes on my website (my book also includes three weeks of meal plans).
I hope this information helps!
Do you have any tips for cooking for the family while on the Daniel Fast? That’s the biggest obstacle for me in doing the fast. I have 4 kids and cook most nights and don’t have the time nor want to cook two different dinners each night. But I worry the kids won’t be getting adequate nutrition for their growing bodies if I just do Fast meals. Thank you!
Stefani, your question is a good one, and I’m sure many people can relate. I have done the fast with two children and my husband, so I understand the not wanting to cook two separate meals situation! One idea is to use the Daniel Fast recipe as a base, and add to it. For example, if you made Black Bean Chili Bake, you could take 1/2 of the recipe and mix in ground beef and cheese for your family. I’m not sure how old your children are, but if they’re old enough to help you in the kitchen with food prep, that’s another option to make it easier for you. I hope this information helps a little.
Can I not drink decaf tea and coffee?
Hi. Please see #1 and #2 under “Beverages” on my FAQs page.
Hi my name is Iesha I’m new to the fast we’ll I’ve done fastest before just not the right way but I’m ready to do it the right way I want to change for the better I want my family situation to change I want us to be saved I WANT A BREAKTHROUGH and I know the only way to get closer to god is to do a fast can I do a fast for a few hrs how long does a fast have to last and can I eat noodles on my fast because I have no food in my home but some chicken tenders, mash potatoes, and Mac and cheese for my 3 little ones I just need some guidance really can you help me 🙏🏽💕
Hi, Lesha. Thanks for your comment. First, I’m glad to hear you are interested in fasting. God will certainly bless your desire to draw near to him. Second, there are many different ways you can fast. You can skip a meal. You can skip two or three meals and only drink water for a day (or more). Another option is the Daniel Fast. But, whatever you do, make sure you don’t just abstain from food or certain kinds of food. Devote that time to prayer. You can find resources on my website to help. Let me know if you have more questions.
MS. WHITE, Thank God our prayers do not expire. I’m praying for you. Keep God First. Keep the faith. And remember Prayer without Works is dead. 🙏
[…] Started and completed my first Daniel fast. […]
Wonderful! That’s great! I’d love to share your testimony about what the Lord did on your fast. You can email it to kristen@ultimatedanielfast.com.
Hello, what kind of cereal can I take? Thank you.
Here are a few ideas: Nutty Fruit Cereal, Apple Cinnamon Hot Cereal, and Chai Chia Pudding. You can also cook oatmeal. As far as store-bought cereal, you may be able to find a few kinds that are Daniel Fast friendly, such as Barbara’s Shredded Wheat.
Ok, thank you so much.
Also, I haven’t been able to find almond milk that doesn’t have added sugar. The one I got has cane sugar in the ingredients. Are there almond milk without added sugar?
Look for a brand that says “unsweetened,” such as Silk or Almond Breeze.
I like Tea because of the weather.It makes me warm
Can l do natural Tea like green tea ginger tea without Sugar
Can l use original natural honey for daniels fast
Hi! Great questions. See #9 under “Food” re: honey and #2 under “Beverages” re: tea on my FAQs page.
Good day, thank you for the platform.
How many times does one eat per day?
Great question. See #14 and #15 under “Food” on my FAQs page.
Regarding brown rice, they all have small amount of sugar correct?
Hi, Scott! Foods that have natural sugar are OK. It’s the ADDED sugar you want to avoid. For example, a nutrition label might show 2g of sugar (carbohydrate), but the ingredients label is what you need to check. Look for anything that says sugar, maple syrup, brown rice syrup, etc.
I am pre-diabetic and on a fairly regimented diet to reduce weight and leave behind diabetes. Looking at the food restrictions I am concerned that the Daniel Fast may not provide all the nutrients and particularly protein that I need to eat on a daily basis. Will I be able to maintain weight loss while doing this fast and will the foods be appropriate for pre-diabetes?
Hi, Renee! Thanks for your interest in the Daniel Fast. It is an extremely healthy way of eating and does provide a good amount of protein (just not animal protein). However, if you have concerns, you should consult your physician or a dietician. That being said, many people do experience weight loss on the fast, especially after cutting out sugar and other inflammatory foods for three weeks. Let me know if you have any other questions.
2022 A year for change. May I come out fulfilled and improved. Stand strong. Amen
Christians why do you hide information in such things as”My Book” people are looking for answers but are told what you sesrch for in written and outlined in my book….. Its very discouraging for a new follower of Christ
Hi, Landi. I’m sorry you’re confused by the information on the website. Feel free to email me directly with specific questions at kristen@ultimatedanielfast.com. I’m happy to help in any way I can!
Do you have an ebook of this?
Absolutely! It’s available on Kindle and NOOK.
Hi is there a chance that one can by the book and have it on a digital space? As I am based in SA and it seems as though shipping isn’t made to this far.
The book is available electronically on Kindle and NOOK. I don’t know if that helps you at all. I’m sorry that I’m not more help. I’d love for you to have the book! Does Amazon not ship to South Africa?
I am also from South Africa and will be starting the fast on 1st May 🙂 Shipping is so expensive and with by son’s job loss due to COVID i cant afford to buy it. An ebook would be great but we have tons of info and encouragement on this site.
Rest in Jesus’ love for you! He will direct you and open your eyes as you seek Him x
Thank you, Maureen! 🙂
Hi I would like this book but just a PDF version. I didn’t see where this could be bought in this version
Hi, Crystal! I’m glad you’re interested in the book. It’s available on Kindle or NOOK (in addition to paperback) but not as a PDF. I’m sorry! I hope you’ll get the book, though.
I need to learn how to pray and fast 21 days in order to get answers.
Hi! I’m glad you’re interested in fasting and praying. I want to recommend a couple of resources to help: The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast and 2021 Ultimate Daniel Fast Prayer Points.
Hey! I’m really skinny and I don’t want to lose a lot of weight on the fast. Is there any way to fast without losing weight
Yes. Not everyone loses weight while on the Daniel Fast. One way to make sure you maintain is by consuming higher calorie foods (avocado, nuts/nut butters, etc.).
At the end of the fast you will add tremendously
Hi Kristen, This is my first time doing the Daniel fast. I work out frequently and I’m trying to find if protein powder is okay during the fast I can take after a workout. Like a vegan protein powder or sprouts sells like a basic protein powder. Is that okay during the fast?
Hi! Great question, Devin. See my blog post, “Protein Powder on the Daniel Fast.” It should be helpful!
Is rice not allowed on the Daniel fast?
Yes, whole-grain rice is allowed (not white; brown is one example of rice that can be eaten).
Do you mean not white:not brown but WHOLEGRAIN? Sometimes isn’t it good to have some white grains and some brown grains??
Yes, grains on the fast should be whole grain. I was simply giving an example. Brown rice is one option, but there are other types of grains that can be enjoyed on the fast.
Please pray for my husband and I we want to do this Daniel fast. I was diagnosed with lung cancer last year, went through 33 rounds of radiation treatments, 4 cycles of Chemo and now finishing up on a year of immunotherapy. So we were going on a Dr. Oz diet and my grandson introduced the Daniel fast to us. So we decided to first start out our healthy eating with the Daniel fast. I would love to make the spicy chili but I can’t handle anything spicy. Is it still good to make without the spicy 🌶 ?
Hi, Alice! I’m glad your grandson told you about the Daniel Fast. I hope the healthy eating helps to bring healing to your body. Yes, you can certainly make Spicy Three-Bean Chili without the heat. As a substitute, you could add Taco Seasoning or something with less heat. 🙂
Just made the spicy bean chili( had to add 2 pinches of salt to substitute an ingredient I just didn’t have:) and it was amazing!! Thank you and god bless👏🏽
Oh, good! I’m so glad. 🙂 Thanks for your feedback.
Are homemade corn tortillas ok ? From the Maseca brand to make the dough. Nothing else added except a pinch of salt and light avocado oil for consistency. Ingredients say its 100% whole grain corn, ground white corn cooked”
Thanks in advance!
Yes, absolutely fine.
Where is a shopping list for groceries?
I provide weekly meal plans and shopping lists in my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast.
Hello Kristen
Is three meals per day eaten during the Daniel fast
Hi! See #14 and #15 under “Food” on my FAQs page.
Is cauliflower rice okay to have during fasting?
Hi! Is rooibos tea fine for Daniel fast?
Hi! Great question. See #2 under “Beverages” on my FAQs page.
Can I eat fried spinach (fried with olive oil)?
Hi! On the Daniel Fast, you should avoid deep-frying foods, but sautéing them is fine. So, it depends upon how you prepare the spinach, I suppose. 🙂
Is any cheese allowed?
No. Animal products aren’t part of the fast. Thanks for checking, though!
According to a Harvard article about caffeine, it noted herbal tea contains no caffeine. Therefore, herbal fruit tea is fine. You stated that fruit teas have caffeine, so I am going to assume you didn’t mean herbal fruit tea.
No, I didn’t say herbal teas contain caffeine but that decaf tea (and coffee) contain some caffeine. But thanks for the clarification. 🙂
Can I get this book as an ebook?
Yes, you can. Here’s the info on all the versions available: The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast.
ordered your book last week and hoping it comes in the mail tomorrow the 4th.
Hi, Emma! Thank you for purchasing The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast. I pray it’s a blessing to you!
My book came!!!so excited!!!!
Yay! 🙂
Is peanut butter ok?
Hi, Carol! Yes, all nuts and nut butters are fine, as long as they don’t contain added sugar (check ingredients to be sure).
This Is Really Good Information: Can U Eat Potatoes, Carrots And Egg Noodles With Onions And Peppers/Fresh Garlic With Water On The Daniel Fast ?
Hi! Thanks for your question. All vegetables are fine (and encouraged!). However, eggs and egg products aren’t part of the fast (no animal products). See Daniel Fast Food List for more information.
Can you eat shrimp or seafood during the Daniel fast?
Hi, Debra! Unfortunately, no. Animal products aren’t part of the fast.
Thank you for this timely guide. It will direct me as I lead my church into this fast.
You’re welcome, Linda! Let me know if you need anything or have questions. I’m so glad your church is doing the fast together. That’s how I started my Daniel Fast journey in 2009. 🙂
I came
Across these baked chips and wanted to see if these ingredients are allowed on the fast
The ingredients are all fine. Do you know if they’re baked? Fried foods (including chips) aren’t part of the Daniel Fast. Baked chips are allowed. Thanks for your question!
I found out that they are flash fried then baked. I am not sure what flash fried means but the term “fried” let me know that I wouldn’t be able to have these. Thanks for responding. Your blog has really helped me to prepare for my fast. This is my first time doing a fast. Today makes day 4!!!
Ok. Thanks for the information. Good to know! Congratulations on your first Daniel Fast! I pray it’s an incredible, life-changing experience for you. May God bless you abundantly as you seek him!
Can I have ice cream on the daniel fast banana strawberries and coconut creme ??
Hi, Laura! Yes, you may have “ice cream” that’s made with fruit and coconut cream. However, it should not contain any added sugar. Thanks for your question!
Hey! I sometimes buy all vegetables footlong from subway, are the dressings they have off limits? I usually use chipotle southwest and honey mustard? (Well I guess I may have answered my own question on the ‘honey’ mustard)
Hi! You’d have to take a look at the ingredients, which you can probably find online. And, you’re right about the honey mustard (not Daniel Fast friendly). Thanks for your question!
Hello Kristen I’m a student and really interested in getting your book is there no off copy I can dowload. Me, my mom and my sister really love this fast and I would like to know more about it for myself but I can’t afford to buy the book. I heard you can include peanut butter but that confuses me cause it has sugar
Hi! I’m glad you’re interested in the Daniel Fast. You can find a wealth of information for free on my website. Also, my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel FastYour Ultimate Daniel Fast Guide, is less than $11 right now on Amazon, which is the lowest I’ve seen it (a great price). Yes, you can have all-natural peanut butter, which doesn’t have any added sugar.
Dang I been from what i thought was fasting but i realized i been failing looking at your food list. I have been eating white rice. I feel like a failure now. 40 days gone nowhere. I should have studied way more. O lord I feel so sad now.
You haven’t failed, Shana! Don’t see it that way. The guidelines are given to help you, not make you feel like you’ve blown it. You simply didn’t know. The Lord will still honor your commitment. It wasn’t as if you were rebelliously eating white rice! 🙂
Thank you so much for the insights of the Daniel Fast on your website. I’ve loved and enjoyed all of the comments and the answers to the comments that you so graciously provided. Thank you. But I didn’t see any of the scriptures that you said that we should read, or the prayer list that you said we should read daily on the Daniel fast. Please forgive my presumption. You’ve been so thorough in providing to those of us who are following your blog or website. I was wondering did you have scriptures and prayers that go along with the fasting list that you have provided, is my question?? Thank you so much!! My GOD continue to bless your cookbook, you and your website in giving out such rich information! The church I attend has started the Daniel fast (even though I believe that Isaiah 58) is better!! I do understand though. I just want to be obedient to leadership in his going in this direction. Praise God!!!
Hi, Brenda! Thank you for your kind words and encouragement. I do provide the resources you’re asking about in a couple of places: 1) My book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast, contains 21 daily devotionals, which includes Scriptures to read, and 2) Subscribing to the January 2020 Daniel Fast through my website. Every day I sent out an email, which includes a short video, devotional with Scripture references, prayer point, featured recipes, and other helpful information. Does that answer your question? If you’ve just started the fast (my online one is Jan. 5-25), it’s not too late to sign up. You can have access to Days 1-10 immediately (we’re on Day 10 today). Let me know if you have any other questions. I’m so thankful you’re seeking the Lord through prayer and fasting!
Hi Kristen, is there a way I can still access that, I will start my journey as from 3 February. Hope that won’t be too late
Yes! You can access the 21 daily emails and videos. Go to the right sidebar on my home page, and you’ll see the information. Let me know if you have any questions. I’m glad you begin your fast tomorrow!