Do you ever feel like you’re going through the motions in your spiritual life? Is your Bible reading sporadic or even nonexistent? Does your prayer time seem lifeless and boring? If so, you need to join the January 2022 Daniel Fast to be reenergized and refreshed. The fast will be held January 2-22, 2022, and the theme is Pray, Wait, Trust.
In the first part of the book of Acts, the author, Luke, tells us that before Jesus ascended into Heaven, he instructed his disciples to wait for the Holy Spirit to come upon them. As the believers joined together constantly in prayer, they received what God had promised. Filled with supernatural spiritual power, those followers were then equipped to go forward in boldness, which significantly impacted their world and led thousands of others to salvation.
Like those early disciples, we desperately need the Lord’s help to fulfill the purposes God has for us. This year’s theme is perfect for where we are today because we have many, many reasons to be anxious. Just watching or listening the news can cause even the most laid-back person to be afraid. So, what should we do? God’s Word tells us:
“Don’t worry about anything, but pray about everything. With thankful hearts offer up your prayers and requests to God. Then, because you belong to Christ Jesus, God will bless you with peace that no one can completely understand. And this peace will control the way you think and feel” (Phil. 4:6-7 CEV).
The Daniel Fast is about setting aside comfort for 21 days to focus on prayer. Yes, food is allowed on this fast (as opposed to a water fast), which is good news. However, your food choices are limited (see Daniel Fast Food List). That’s also good news. Why? Because every time you crave coffee or chocolate or meat, you’ll remember why you’re doing this fast in the first place. Instead of giving in to temptation, you’ll experience victory by turning to God instead of food.
Join me and believers all around the world as we join together in prayer and fasting this January. We will:
Pray for our needs and others’ needs.
Wait on the Lord to answer in his way and in his timing.
Trust God to work out his plans for us by remaining focused on truth.
As we commit the first three weeks of the year to prayer and fasting, we’ll see God move in power, just as he did in Acts.
For more information on the Daniel Fast, see About the Fast. Also, be sure to check out the Daniel Fast resources: Recipes, Books, FAQs, January 2022 Daniel Fast Testimonies, and January 2022 Daily Verses.
daniel fast resources
helpful blog posts
daily videos for your fast
If you’d like to receive encouragement on your fast, you can take advantage of short daily videos from 2021 (most videos are only 2-3 minutes long). Access videos here.
Feel free to share the January 2022 Daniel Fast promo video on your social media accounts. The more believers who join the fast, the more powerful our 21 days of prayer will be!
If you’ve been blessed by the resources on this website and would like to give to the Ultimate Daniel Fast ministry, you can do so by using Paypal or your credit card. Thank you so much for your prayers and support!
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