Hi, Linda! Were you able to find the chili recipe?
2 months ago
good job
Julie Powell
2 months ago
Help…You don’t have the potatoe and chickpea curry recipe here and I’ve lost my copy. That recipe is a NECESSITY for the Daniel’s fast!!! Please can you record it again!!
Glad you liked the recipes. I had the stuffed bell peppers this past week, too. You can use the aminos just as you would soy sauce, so any recipe that calls for soy sauce.
Olivia smothers
1 year ago
Hey i tried the food and it was SO good!!!! I loved the dinner it was so yummy!!!! I made the fries but i did it with potato🍟. I’M doing the Daniel fast for a month!!!!2 days in. So happy🥰!!!! ME, my mom and my aunt are doing it !! SO excited!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE THE TARRAGON ASPARAGUS!!!!
Wonderful, Olivia! I’m so glad you’re doing the fast and finding recipes you enjoy. I love that you’re doing it with your mom and aunt, too. Keep going strong. You can do it. God will help you!
Kristen, Marjorie Clark here. I am looking for a Daniel Fast recipe I have used in the past. A family member gave it to me and said it was from the Daniel Fast (book?). It was called something like “Susan’s Vegetarian Chili.” It was so very good. I am hoping to be able to find it and make it for my husband who is now on a plant based diet. Thank you!
Hi, Marjorie! I think you have my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast, confused with another Daniel Fast book. I don’t have any recipes like that in mine. I’m sorry I couldn’t help!
2 medium – sized green peppers, chopped
1 med-sized yellow onion, chopped
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 zucchini, sliced
1 yellow sqash, sliced
2 tbsp chili powder
3/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground red pepper
2 cups corn kernels (fresh or frozen)
2 cans (16 oz.) tomatoes, including liquid
2 cans (16 oz.) pinto beans, including liquid
2 cans (16 oz.) black beans, including liquid
1 can (4 oz) mild green chilies, including liquid
1 can (4 oz) tomato paste
1. Chop and saute the peppers and onion in oil. Add the sliced zucchini and yellow squash, chili powder, salt, ground red pepper, and corn kernels.
2. When all the vegetables are soft but still firm, add the tomatoes, all the beans, the green chilies, and the tomato paste. Stir until just blended.
3. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat. Let simmer for 20 min, stirring occassionally to prevent sticking.
Tip: All beans, both dried and cnned, are hight in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. If you use canned beans, be sure to read the label to make sure the manufacturer hasn’t added sugar. Also, dried beans are often lower in sodium. Plus they’re about half the cost of canned beans. If you cook dried beans, consider preparing a large batch and freezing the leftovers in ziplock bags. They’ll keep for up to a year in the freezer.
3 years ago
I love this website but I tried a recipe with delicata squash and it always comes out like a big bowl of mush. It has a wonderful flavor but how can you possibly cut it in cubes with out smashing it like mashed potato’s? Thank you.
Hi, Vickie! Great question. From my experience, delicata squash is softer than, say, butternut squash. It has a creamier texture when cooked. Have you tried Baked Delicata Squash Rings? It’s one of my favorites.
3 years ago
Hey! I started the Daniel fast for the first time today and I have some Benzo chickpea spaghetti that I think would be okay to have but I would like to make sure. Also, if it is allowed, do have any recommendations for a sauce that I could do with it? Thanks
Hi! Yes, chickpea pasta is fine to have. Also, as far as sauce, you could do something simple like extra-virgin olive oil with basil. I like to add walnuts and spinach (or kale) to my pasta. Sometimes I’ll also throw in sautéed onions and zucchini. Here are a couple of other ideas: Classic Tomato Sauce, Pesto, and Italian Salad Dressing (for a cold pasta salad).
3 years ago
Hi! Can you tell me if red lentil pasta is allowed on the Daniel fast?
Yes, you certainly can, as long as the ingredients are all Daniel Fast friendly. You want products that are whole-grain without added sugar. See my Daniel Fast Food List for helpful guidelines.
Baked chips are allowed (as long as the ingredients are all Daniel Fast friendly. 🙂
Anna M
4 years ago
i found crackers that i’d want use as a bread. and i’m not sure if all the ingredients are allowed.
“sunflower seeds, oat flakes, sesame seeds, flax seeds, rice bran, wheat bran”
is wheat bran allowed?
Hi, Anna. That’s a tricky one, and I’ll say this: It’s really a personal decision and how strictly you plan to follow the Daniel Fast. Some people may choose to include products that contain it; others may not. 🙂
Anna M
4 years ago
have i have the jewish Matzos crackers? ingredients are UNBLEACHED, UNBROMATED WHEAT FLOUR AND WATER.
Hi, Anna! Only whole-grain Matzos are Daniel Fast friendly. The product you listed contains wheat flour, but it’s not whole wheat flour. Also, see #2 under “Food” on my FAQs page for the answer to your nutritional yeast question.
Since corn starch is not a whole grain, it is not allowed on the Daniel Fast. Corn starch is the starch extracted from corn and contains only the endosperm of the corn kernel. A whole grain product contains the germ, the bran, and the endosperm. Substitutions would be whole-wheat flour, brown rice flour, flaxseed meal, or psyllium husk powder.
Brenda Rodriguez
4 years ago
Is Soybean “cheese” allowed? I looked at the list on ingredients not allowed and I see that this soybean cheese does not have sweeteners, or dairy. What do you think?
Hello, I just wanted to write and tell you what a blessing your book has been to my family. We started the Daniel fast on August 31. We followed all the guidelines and avoided all the foods listed in the book. We completed the 21 days and decided to continue eating this way. We really enjoy eating these meals. We picked out so many favorites 🙂 My goal is to try every recipe in your book. I want to tell you, this is answered prayer for me because first of all I did not enjoy cooking or being in the kitchen. I have had that lifted in prayer to the Lord for a long time because I wanted to enjoy cooking and most importantly provide healthy meals for my family. WELL!! I have enjoyed my time in the kitchen 🙂 Most days I would make two recipes. On occasions, my son would help me prepare meals. The other day he made one on his own!! In addition and most importantly, during the time with the Lord in those 21 days, He did speak to me and show me some things. So thank you so much and God Bless you!! I have recommended your book to many and posted my completed meals on FB. I got so many people motivated to eat healthier by posting those. I posted because I was so happy I was actually enjoying the kitchen and the plates looked beautiful with all those vibrant colors.
Thank you, Claudia! I’m so thankful you’ve enjoyed the book and that the fast has been a blessing to you in many ways. I love hearing how God worked in your life. Thanks for sharing your testimony of his goodness and faithfulness!
5 years ago
Is there a reason vinegar is not allowed, as in pickles?
Hi, Jorge! When I first began the Daniel Fast, I tended to be quite legalistic about all the food guidelines. However, I’ve learned better. Following is my stance on herbal tea (including fruit tea):
“The main reason teas (even herbal) are restricted is based upon Daniel’s example in the Bible and the fact that he drank only water during his fasts (Daniel 1:12 and 10:3). For some people, having tea is a daily treat, so they may choose to give it up for a period of fasting as a sacrifice to the Lord. Perhaps this is not the case for you and maybe you might choose to include herbal tea on your fast.
The Daniel Fast guidelines are meant to help provide boundaries. However, they are not meant to cause legalism so that you are overly focused on what to eat and what not to eat. That would negate the whole point of drawing near to God. The goal is to eliminate foods that will give you a sense of self-denial and sacrifice. I would encourage you to pray about what sacrifices God is asking you to make on your fast and if herbal tea is one of them.”
I hope this information helps. The Lord will guide you.
Hello I’m erica this is my first time trying to do the Daniel fast I’m a heavy coffee drinker and monster energy drinks and my cigarettes I have read upon herbal fruit tea that gives you energy is that allowable
Hi, Erica! I’m so glad you’ve stepped out in faith and committed to the Daniel Fast. Good for you! Yes, caffeine withdrawals can be very intense when you’re using to having that boost and are suddenly without it. However, I want to encourage you to lean on the Lord’s strength. Caffeinated products (even decaf because it still contains caffeine) aren’t a part of the Daniel Fast. As far as whether or not to have herbal tea, that’s your decision. Water should be the main beverage on your fast, but some people may choose to have herbal tea, and that’s fine. It’s completely their decision. When I first started doing the Daniel Fast, I felt that I should give up all tea (even herbal tea), not because there’s anything wrong with it but as a sacrifice. I really enjoyed my morning cup of tea, and it had become a habit. So when I committed to the fast, I didn’t drink it. I’m glad I did, too, because I realized I could give it up. Keep praying about what your fast should look like. I believe God will guide you and give you peace in the direction you need to go.
Michelle Rankin
5 years ago
I cannot seem to find this wild rice recipe. It had almond slivers in it. It was sOOOO yummy!
Michelle, thank you for letting me know. I recently updated my website, and somehow the Wild Rice and Almond Casserole recipe didn’t get transferred to the new format. Here’s the link: https://ultimatedanielfast.com/its-wild/.
I made the coconut rice tonight and I had a question. Are you suppose to cook the rice with the lid on or off? I’m asking cause it tastes different then the last time I made it.
Hi Kristen, I have enjoyed a lot of your recipes and my wife and i will be starting on the Daniel Diet on the first of september. I was looking for something that includes cauliflower . Do you have such a recipe with that ingredient? Thanks Tony
Hi, Tony! Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m glad to hear you and your wife will be doing the Daniel Fast together! Yes, I have a recipe for you to try. It’s a new one, and I hope you like it–Roasted Cauliflower with Smoked Paprika. Let me know if you have any other questions. May God bless you abundantly as you seek him through prayer and fasting!
Hi! I apologize for the delay. I was on vacation! First, I’m glad to hear you’re doing the Daniel Fast with your church. That’s great! Second, dill pickles aren’t part of the fast because they’re prepared with vinegar. See my FAQs page for the explanation on vinegar (#4 under the “Food” section). May God bless you abundantly as you seek him!
5 years ago
Are beets. and other root vegetables acceptsble on the Daniel fast ?
Is there a way to calculate the nutritional information for these meals? I’m about to begin my first Daniel fast, but I am currently lifting weights. I would like to be able to keep track of my carbs, protein intake, and other vitamins/minerals. Thank you for such an awesome site!
Hi, Nathan! Thanks for your question. Some of my most recent recipes do have nutritional information, so that will be helpful. Unfortunately, not all do. But you could easily plug the ingredients into a free online program to calculate nutritional content. Also, you might benefit from reading this blog post: Protein Powder on the Daniel Fast. May God bless you abundantly as you seek him on your fast!
Erika Hampton
6 years ago
You are amazing!! Thank you for putting together such a great book! My husband and I are on day 9 of our 21 day fast. This book has helped tremendously! We love your book and recipes! Thank you!!
Erika, thank you for your kind words and comments! I’m glad to hear you and your husband are doing the Daniel Fast together. May God continue to strengthen you as you seek him!
I love your book! I’ve had it for 3 years, and use it each time I do the Fast!!!! I love the recipes and did more prep, this year. Thank you so much. God bless
Thank you! I appreciate your kind words, and I’m glad my book has continued to bless you!
6 years ago
Hi I’m Day three into my fast and coping surprisingly well. I’ve been eating lots of salads. Loads of fruit for breakfast and yesterday had an astonishingly tasty vegetable soup and the previous day a crab eye pea soup with potato. Been drinking warm water with a dash of lemon which feels like every mouth full is cleaning my insides 😊 I’m thinking about a vegetable cous cous for dinner today and wonder whether cous cous is allows. Thanks in advance
Yes, and yes! I have several potato recipes on my website.
6 years ago
Good morning. I tried the Chipotle Bean Burger. It tasted very good and my husband enjoyed it as well. I actually substituted almond flour for the oat flour; hopefully this was ok to do. However, the burgers were very good.
Hi! I’m looking for your chili recipe
Hi, Linda! Were you able to find the chili recipe?
good job
Help…You don’t have the potatoe and chickpea curry recipe here and I’ve lost my copy. That recipe is a NECESSITY for the Daniel’s fast!!! Please can you record it again!!
Hi, Julie! You have my website confused with someone else’s, I’m afraid. I don’t have a curry recipe. Sorry!
I was here for the same recipe!! I found it 2 years ago on a website that looks just like this one!
Is using canned beans ok for these recipes? Or frozen veggies?
Yes, and yes.
I cooked the stuffed bell peppers last week. Today I cooked the brown rice stir fry. Both were delicious!
What else can I do with the coconut aminos?
Glad you liked the recipes. I had the stuffed bell peppers this past week, too. You can use the aminos just as you would soy sauce, so any recipe that calls for soy sauce.
Hey i tried the food and it was SO good!!!! I loved the dinner it was so yummy!!!! I made the fries but i did it with potato🍟. I’M doing the Daniel fast for a month!!!!2 days in. So happy🥰!!!! ME, my mom and my aunt are doing it !! SO excited!!!!!!!!!! WE LOVE THE TARRAGON ASPARAGUS!!!!
Wonderful, Olivia! I’m so glad you’re doing the fast and finding recipes you enjoy. I love that you’re doing it with your mom and aunt, too. Keep going strong. You can do it. God will help you!
Thank you !!!!💖💗💖💗
How did the fast go? Any weight loss? I wanna start the Daniel fast also so I’m just curious. Thanks
Ty so much and God bless! <3 🙂
Thank you for all these recipe ideas! My husband and I are on day 5 of our yearly Daniel Fast!!
Hi, Lisa! You’re welcome!
Day 1 I’m ready
Great! So glad you’re doing the fast. May God fill you with his power and peace!
God bless <3 these recipes look amazing! I am very excited to start my Daniel Fast and find the LORD through these recipes! Thank you <3
Thank you for your feedback! You’re welcome. 🙂
Kristen, Marjorie Clark here. I am looking for a Daniel Fast recipe I have used in the past. A family member gave it to me and said it was from the Daniel Fast (book?). It was called something like “Susan’s Vegetarian Chili.” It was so very good. I am hoping to be able to find it and make it for my husband who is now on a plant based diet. Thank you!
Hi, Marjorie! I think you have my book, The Ultimate Guide to the Daniel Fast, confused with another Daniel Fast book. I don’t have any recipes like that in mine. I’m sorry I couldn’t help!
I think I might have what you are looking for!
2 medium – sized green peppers, chopped
1 med-sized yellow onion, chopped
2 tbsp vegetable oil
1 zucchini, sliced
1 yellow sqash, sliced
2 tbsp chili powder
3/4 tsp salt
1/4 tsp ground red pepper
2 cups corn kernels (fresh or frozen)
2 cans (16 oz.) tomatoes, including liquid
2 cans (16 oz.) pinto beans, including liquid
2 cans (16 oz.) black beans, including liquid
1 can (4 oz) mild green chilies, including liquid
1 can (4 oz) tomato paste
1. Chop and saute the peppers and onion in oil. Add the sliced zucchini and yellow squash, chili powder, salt, ground red pepper, and corn kernels.
2. When all the vegetables are soft but still firm, add the tomatoes, all the beans, the green chilies, and the tomato paste. Stir until just blended.
3. Bring to a boil and then reduce the heat. Let simmer for 20 min, stirring occassionally to prevent sticking.
Tip: All beans, both dried and cnned, are hight in protein, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. If you use canned beans, be sure to read the label to make sure the manufacturer hasn’t added sugar. Also, dried beans are often lower in sodium. Plus they’re about half the cost of canned beans. If you cook dried beans, consider preparing a large batch and freezing the leftovers in ziplock bags. They’ll keep for up to a year in the freezer.
I love this website but I tried a recipe with delicata squash and it always comes out like a big bowl of mush. It has a wonderful flavor but how can you possibly cut it in cubes with out smashing it like mashed potato’s? Thank you.
Hi, Vickie! Great question. From my experience, delicata squash is softer than, say, butternut squash. It has a creamier texture when cooked. Have you tried Baked Delicata Squash Rings? It’s one of my favorites.
Hey! I started the Daniel fast for the first time today and I have some Benzo chickpea spaghetti that I think would be okay to have but I would like to make sure. Also, if it is allowed, do have any recommendations for a sauce that I could do with it? Thanks
Hi! Yes, chickpea pasta is fine to have. Also, as far as sauce, you could do something simple like extra-virgin olive oil with basil. I like to add walnuts and spinach (or kale) to my pasta. Sometimes I’ll also throw in sautéed onions and zucchini. Here are a couple of other ideas: Classic Tomato Sauce, Pesto, and Italian Salad Dressing (for a cold pasta salad).
Hi! Can you tell me if red lentil pasta is allowed on the Daniel fast?
Yes, it should be. Just check the ingredients to see what other types of flour are used to make sure it’s a whole-grain product.
Hi I would love to know whether white rice is allowed for Daniel Fast?
Thank you
Hi, Rosa! Only whole-grain rice is allowed. White rice has been stripped of most of its nutrients, which makes it restricted on the fast.
Is this Daniel Fast eligible?
Hi, Victoria! What is the product? I tried to zoom in to see the ingredients, but I wasn’t able to read it.
Hi Kristen. That looks like a picture of Smart Balance. I wondered if it was eligible also.
Some people may choose to have vegan products, such as plant-based butter. See #7 under “Food” on my FAQs page for more information on this issue.
can we use coconut milk or cream in the smoothies
Can eat gluten free products?
Yes, you certainly can, as long as the ingredients are all Daniel Fast friendly. You want products that are whole-grain without added sugar. See my Daniel Fast Food List for helpful guidelines.
Thank you so much
Can you eat unbleached enriched wheat flour?
Great question. Only whole-grain flour is allowed on the Daniel Fast (ex. whole wheat, brown rice, etc.).
Can you eat tortillas chip
Baked chips are allowed (as long as the ingredients are all Daniel Fast friendly. 🙂
i found crackers that i’d want use as a bread. and i’m not sure if all the ingredients are allowed.
“sunflower seeds, oat flakes, sesame seeds, flax seeds, rice bran, wheat bran”
is wheat bran allowed?
Yes, I think that should be fine to have.
is any starch allowed? potato starch?
Hi, Anna. That’s a tricky one, and I’ll say this: It’s really a personal decision and how strictly you plan to follow the Daniel Fast. Some people may choose to include products that contain it; others may not. 🙂
have i have the jewish Matzos crackers? ingredients are UNBLEACHED, UNBROMATED WHEAT FLOUR AND WATER.
and is nutritional yeast allowed?
Hi, Anna! Only whole-grain Matzos are Daniel Fast friendly. The product you listed contains wheat flour, but it’s not whole wheat flour. Also, see #2 under “Food” on my FAQs page for the answer to your nutritional yeast question.
this is great stuff
Thanks, Ken!
What side or main dish works well with the butternut squash & sweet potato soup?
Great question. I’ll make a few suggestions, but the possibilities are endless. Greek Salad, Mediterranean Black Bean Salad, Summer Breeze Salad (maybe add chickpeas for protein), Two-Bean Burger, and Spaghetti Squash Stir-fry.
Can we use cornstarch for a tofu recipe? If not, what could we use as a substitute?
Since corn starch is not a whole grain, it is not allowed on the Daniel Fast. Corn starch is the starch extracted from corn and contains only the endosperm of the corn kernel. A whole grain product contains the germ, the bran, and the endosperm. Substitutions would be whole-wheat flour, brown rice flour, flaxseed meal, or psyllium husk powder.
Is Soybean “cheese” allowed? I looked at the list on ingredients not allowed and I see that this soybean cheese does not have sweeteners, or dairy. What do you think?
Hi! Great question. See #7 under “Food” on my FAQs page.
Are soy and almond milk allowed
Yes, as long as they’re unsweetened.
Hi can I have Apple Cider Vinegar during my Daniel Fast
Hi, Haley! Great question. See #8 on my FAQs page.
Do people eat rice when doing Daniel fast?
Yes. Whole grain rice is allowed (brown is an example). White rice is not part of the fast because it’s refined.
I see a lot of amazing recipes! My question is about portions. Is there a limit as to how much we can eat at any given meal?
Hi! Great question. See #14 under “Food” on my FAQs page.
Thanks so much! I appreciate the response! 🙂
Hello, I just wanted to write and tell you what a blessing your book has been to my family. We started the Daniel fast on August 31. We followed all the guidelines and avoided all the foods listed in the book. We completed the 21 days and decided to continue eating this way. We really enjoy eating these meals. We picked out so many favorites 🙂 My goal is to try every recipe in your book. I want to tell you, this is answered prayer for me because first of all I did not enjoy cooking or being in the kitchen. I have had that lifted in prayer to the Lord for a long time because I wanted to enjoy cooking and most importantly provide healthy meals for my family. WELL!! I have enjoyed my time in the kitchen 🙂 Most days I would make two recipes. On occasions, my son would help me prepare meals. The other day he made one on his own!! In addition and most importantly, during the time with the Lord in those 21 days, He did speak to me and show me some things. So thank you so much and God Bless you!! I have recommended your book to many and posted my completed meals on FB. I got so many people motivated to eat healthier by posting those. I posted because I was so happy I was actually enjoying the kitchen and the plates looked beautiful with all those vibrant colors.
Thank you, Claudia! I’m so thankful you’ve enjoyed the book and that the fast has been a blessing to you in many ways. I love hearing how God worked in your life. Thanks for sharing your testimony of his goodness and faithfulness!
Is there a reason vinegar is not allowed, as in pickles?
Great question, Jacqueline! See #8 under Food on my FAQs page.
Good morning, because herb teas are not allowed, can I boil fruit’s and make my own tea?
Hi, Jorge! When I first began the Daniel Fast, I tended to be quite legalistic about all the food guidelines. However, I’ve learned better. Following is my stance on herbal tea (including fruit tea):
“The main reason teas (even herbal) are restricted is based upon Daniel’s example in the Bible and the fact that he drank only water during his fasts (Daniel 1:12 and 10:3). For some people, having tea is a daily treat, so they may choose to give it up for a period of fasting as a sacrifice to the Lord. Perhaps this is not the case for you and maybe you might choose to include herbal tea on your fast.
The Daniel Fast guidelines are meant to help provide boundaries. However, they are not meant to cause legalism so that you are overly focused on what to eat and what not to eat. That would negate the whole point of drawing near to God. The goal is to eliminate foods that will give you a sense of self-denial and sacrifice. I would encourage you to pray about what sacrifices God is asking you to make on your fast and if herbal tea is one of them.”
I hope this information helps. The Lord will guide you.
Great answer to this question! Thank you!
Amen I agree!
Can we cook fries in an AirFryer since it won’t be deep fried?
Yes, using an air fryer is fine.
Could you provide a section of Crock Pot/Instant Pot/Air Fryer meals?
Hi, Jessica! I’ll definitely keep that in mind for the future. Thanks for your suggestion!
Love your recipes. Can I eat corn tortillas on a Daniel Fast?
Thank you, Debi! Yes, corn tortillas are allowed. 🙂
Hello I’m erica this is my first time trying to do the Daniel fast I’m a heavy coffee drinker and monster energy drinks and my cigarettes I have read upon herbal fruit tea that gives you energy is that allowable
Hi, Erica! I’m so glad you’ve stepped out in faith and committed to the Daniel Fast. Good for you! Yes, caffeine withdrawals can be very intense when you’re using to having that boost and are suddenly without it. However, I want to encourage you to lean on the Lord’s strength. Caffeinated products (even decaf because it still contains caffeine) aren’t a part of the Daniel Fast. As far as whether or not to have herbal tea, that’s your decision. Water should be the main beverage on your fast, but some people may choose to have herbal tea, and that’s fine. It’s completely their decision. When I first started doing the Daniel Fast, I felt that I should give up all tea (even herbal tea), not because there’s anything wrong with it but as a sacrifice. I really enjoyed my morning cup of tea, and it had become a habit. So when I committed to the fast, I didn’t drink it. I’m glad I did, too, because I realized I could give it up. Keep praying about what your fast should look like. I believe God will guide you and give you peace in the direction you need to go.
I cannot seem to find this wild rice recipe. It had almond slivers in it. It was sOOOO yummy!
Michelle, thank you for letting me know. I recently updated my website, and somehow the Wild Rice and Almond Casserole recipe didn’t get transferred to the new format. Here’s the link:
Awesome ideas…thank you!!
I made the coconut rice tonight and I had a question. Are you suppose to cook the rice with the lid on or off? I’m asking cause it tastes different then the last time I made it.
Hi! It should be cooked with the lid off. 🙂
Thank you. I’ll remember that for next time. It wasn’t in the directions.
Yes, if something needs to be covered, I will mention that step in the directions.
Hi Kristen, I have enjoyed a lot of your recipes and my wife and i will be starting on the Daniel Diet on the first of september. I was looking for something that includes cauliflower . Do you have such a recipe with that ingredient? Thanks Tony
Hi, Tony! Thank you so much for your kind words. I’m glad to hear you and your wife will be doing the Daniel Fast together! Yes, I have a recipe for you to try. It’s a new one, and I hope you like it–Roasted Cauliflower with Smoked Paprika. Let me know if you have any other questions. May God bless you abundantly as you seek him through prayer and fasting!
Tony, I just posted another recipe you’ll want to try on your fast: Cauliflower Kale Soup.
I’m on day 9 of 30 on my church’ 30 day Daniel Fast. Doing well so far experimenting with recipes. Are dill pickles permitted on the Daniel Fast.
Hi! I apologize for the delay. I was on vacation! First, I’m glad to hear you’re doing the Daniel Fast with your church. That’s great! Second, dill pickles aren’t part of the fast because they’re prepared with vinegar. See my FAQs page for the explanation on vinegar (#4 under the “Food” section). May God bless you abundantly as you seek him!
Are beets. and other root vegetables acceptsble on the Daniel fast ?
Yes! All vegetables are allowed.
Is there a way to calculate the nutritional information for these meals? I’m about to begin my first Daniel fast, but I am currently lifting weights. I would like to be able to keep track of my carbs, protein intake, and other vitamins/minerals. Thank you for such an awesome site!
Hi, Nathan! Thanks for your question. Some of my most recent recipes do have nutritional information, so that will be helpful. Unfortunately, not all do. But you could easily plug the ingredients into a free online program to calculate nutritional content. Also, you might benefit from reading this blog post: Protein Powder on the Daniel Fast. May God bless you abundantly as you seek him on your fast!
You are amazing!! Thank you for putting together such a great book! My husband and I are on day 9 of our 21 day fast. This book has helped tremendously! We love your book and recipes! Thank you!!
Erika, thank you for your kind words and comments! I’m glad to hear you and your husband are doing the Daniel Fast together. May God continue to strengthen you as you seek him!
cannot find the marinated tofu recipe
Here you go! https://ultimatedanielfast.com/tasty-tofu/
I love your book! I’ve had it for 3 years, and use it each time I do the Fast!!!! I love the recipes and did more prep, this year. Thank you so much. God bless
Thank you! I appreciate your kind words, and I’m glad my book has continued to bless you!
Hi I’m Day three into my fast and coping surprisingly well. I’ve been eating lots of salads. Loads of fruit for breakfast and yesterday had an astonishingly tasty vegetable soup and the previous day a crab eye pea soup with potato. Been drinking warm water with a dash of lemon which feels like every mouth full is cleaning my insides 😊 I’m thinking about a vegetable cous cous for dinner today and wonder whether cous cous is allows. Thanks in advance
Yes, it is (made from whole wheat durum flour). Glad to hear you’re doing well! Keep it up!
Can whole wheat flour be used and also are there any recipes using potatoes?
Yes, and yes! I have several potato recipes on my website.
Good morning. I tried the Chipotle Bean Burger. It tasted very good and my husband enjoyed it as well. I actually substituted almond flour for the oat flour; hopefully this was ok to do. However, the burgers were very good.
Yay! So glad you like it. Yes, almond flour is a great substitution (I prefer it as well). Thanks for your feedback!
Can I eat poridge and milk and sugar
Milk and sugar aren’t part of the fast. Good question, though!