The Daniel Fast is a partial fast, which means that you can eat (good news!), but you choose to abstain from certain types of foods for the 21-day period (see About the Daniel Fast and Daniel Fast Food List for details). The purpose of the fast is to draw near to God through fervent, focused prayer.
Every January since 2012, I’ve held an online Daniel Fast for the first three weeks of the year. I’ve also held other fasts during Lent and in August (see list below). When I lead an online fast, such as the one in January, I invite people to join by signing up on my website. Everyone who registers receives a daily email from me that includes a devotion, video, recipes, fasting tips, prayer resources, and other helpful tools. In 2016, 2019, and 2020, I was even able to convince my husband, Justin, to help me with the videos, which was fun and sometimes very entertaining!
Three weeks can be a long time to go without some of your favorite foods and can especially seem like an eternity for coffee drinkers! That’s why I try to encourage people as much as possible when they’re on the Daniel Fast. I know from experience how important that type of support is and how it can help you stay on track.
Below you can find details, testimonies, resources, and videos from previous online fasts. These resources are available for you to use anytime throughout the year.
Hi Kristen, thank you for all the resources on your website, I’m planning to join you this year. Are you planning to do the online Daniel Fast as well? If so, where can I follow this? And how would this be different from the videos you’ll post on the website? Thank you for your answer in advance. God bless, Laura
Hi, Laura! I’m so glad you’re doing the fast. All the resources will be posted on my website (see 2024 Daniel Fast for more information). In the past, I’ve sent daily emails, but I haven’t done that for a few years. I hope this information helps!
Thank you for your answer. Yes, this helps. I’ll follow the website then.
What are some warm morning drinks that I can have? Where I live it is cold right now and I’m used to having warm coffee or hot cocoa in the morning.
Hi, Brandy! It’s cold where I live, too. 🙂 Some ideas are hot water with lemon or 100% juice (orange, cranberry, etc.). Another idea is to mix 1/4 cup of apple juice for 6-8oz of unsweetened almond milk and 1/8 tsp (or 1/4, depending upon how much you want) cinnamon.
Is there a way to print the food list out so it shows the lists on a page?
Yes! Thanks to you, Debby, I uploaded a printable copy today to this page. 🙂 Here’s the link: https://ultimatedanielfast.com/pdf/DanielFastFoodList.pdf.
Hi by mistake I drink herbal tea my first day of fastin
Hi, Ana! It’s OK! Some people choose to have herbal tea, but others don’t. Whenever you “mess up” on the fast, just go to the Lord and confess. He always forgives you! Then just keep on going strong.